Chapter 23 - Relapse*

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"All right, you can do this," I murmured under my breath, shifting my weight uneasily from one foot to the other in an attempt to muster some courage, despite the anxiety that clenched my chest. I raised my hand to knock on the door, but it froze mid-air as my heartbeat quickened.

Throughout the week, I had been making attempts to visit him in the dungeons, longing to spend time with him and perhaps to discuss about what was happening between us. However, my attempts were vain as he never answered the door. Although, the thin line of light seeping from beneath the door and the muffled sounds of bubbling flasks and cauldrons inside left no doubt about his presence.

It was equally challenging to see him outside the dungeons. My daytime hours were consumed by the Hospital Wing, and during classes, it seemed impossible to have a word with him.

Furthermore, he avoided the communal meals in the Great Hall. According to Deek, whom I had discreetly tasked with investigating his schedule, he spent most of his time in the dungeons and requested his meals in his office or quarters.

It was clear he was making an effort to avoid me. Yet, the motive remained a mystery to me. During the night of his return to the castle, he had subtly hinted at a desire to grow closer to me. The abrupt reversal left me perplexed.

Even though, ultimately, I shouldn't have been surprised. His behavior had always followed the same pattern, taking one step forward only to take three steps back.

I sighed and finally resigned myself to leave when voices from inside the room broke out in a heated argument. My brow furrowed, and I pressed my ear to the door in an attempt to discern what was happening. The sounds were muffled and distant, but two distinct voices became apparent.

Sharp's, unsurprisingly, was the most recognizable for me. He spoke angrily, his tone sharp and harsh. The other voice, while familiar, sounded unsure and slightly trembling – likely a student.

As the commotion subsided, I stepped back from the door, mustering the courage to knock. Three hesitant and trembling knocks after taking a deep breath.

No response.

I waited for a brief moment, preparing to knock again, when the door abruptly swung open, and the student barged out, colliding with me in the process. At the same time, I met Sharp's gaze, which remained infuriated, but briefly displayed surprise. It swiftly reverted to anger as the student shoved past me.

"Jones!" he exclaimed brusquely, rushing out of the room to seize him by the arm. The student turned towards him, his expression seething.

"What?" he retorted with anger, disregarding the customary formalities used when addressing a teacher.

I remembered him. Peter Jones; the student who had previously clashed with Sharp during the class I had assisted him. It had been just a few weeks ago, but it felt like an eternity between that distant memory and now.

"Mind your tone," Sharp began, his grip on Jones' arm tightening without a hint of softening in his demeanor. "And apologize to Miss Evans for running into her, unless you want another week of detention," he added, briefly glancing at me before focusing back on Jones, who shot me a disdainful look.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention," he mumbled reluctantly, though it was evident he didn't mean a word of it.

"You're free to go," Sharp declared, crossing his arms over his chest. "But next time, be more convincing." Jones rolled his eyes and swiftly run away from us, all under Sharp's vigilant gaze, and disappeared around a corner.

"So..." I tried to initiate a conversation to ease the tension between us, but he didn't give me a chance to speak. He spun around without casting a glance in my direction and made his way toward his office. "Rude," I murmured, rolling my eyes before following him into the potions room. I approached his office with hesitant steps, fearing his bad mood might be unleashed on me.

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