Chapter 38 - When Everything Goes Wrong*

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There's nothing more exasperating than the sensation of losing control on everything around you. What began with all the ingredients for a perfect day could sometimes devolved into a descent into hell, where even the smallest of things crumbled into moments of despair and anguish.

Today was one of those days.

With a heart heavy with resentment and anxiety, I sought refuge in the one place where I hoped to find solace, or at the very least, a brief reprieve from the onslaught of aggression and challenges that had plagued me throughout the day: the potions classroom.

Tonight, the door was already slightly ajar, offering a glimpse of the warm light seeping through the crack, wrapping my heart in a comforting embrace. After wandering the corridors aimlessly, nothing seemed more appealing than seeking refuge in the warmth of this place, and above all, reuniting with its occupant.

As soon as I entered the room, discreetly closing the door behind me, I was engulfed in the gentle light, dim but welcoming, which starkly contrasted with the dark and cold atmosphere of the dungeons.

The heavy coat that shielded me from the cold became futile, and I quickly shed it, relishing in the freedom of movement, unhindered. Taking a deep breath, I filled my lungs with the sweet scent of plants and the aroma of potions, which was by far one of my favorite smells.

My gaze scanned the room, seeking his presence, and it didn't take long for me to realize that he was in his usual place. A smile spread across my face, and a wave of warmth flooded my chest, immediately soothing all the tension I had accumulated throughout the day.

The way he immersed himself in his work allowed me to observe and appreciate his presence for an extended period, relishing these stolen moments where he was the sole focus of my attention. Leaning against the door, I took a moment to embrace the rush of sensations and emotions that swept through me.

It was such an overwhelming experience that I felt almost numb, with tingling sensations coursing down my arms and fingers, as if my blood struggled to circulate properly. It seemed like a cliché to say that time seemed to stand still, and yet, that's exactly what I felt.

It was as if I had left all my troubles and worries outside as soon as I had crossed the threshold, seeking solace and a calming of my heart that allowed me to breathe freely, unburdened by the weight that typically pressed upon my chest.

Despite my heart racing, it wasn't from distress or fear; instead, it was a pure and sweeter sensation. With this rush of emotions and tenderness, I directed my gaze towards the man who ignited all these feelings within me.

He still hadn't glanced up, but his furrowed brows hinted at some concern or disturbance. Hunched over a sheet of parchment, a half-empty glass of bourbon rested beside him, the bottle within easy reach on the wooden table.

As he sighed and stretched back in his chair, my lips parted, and I felt myself growing weaker against the door, unable to pull my gaze away from him. Slowly, he set his quill aside on the parchment's edge, the ink staining its surface. His chest rose gradually, revealing the contours of his muscles beneath his white shirt, his jacket shifting subtly with his movements.

"What are you waiting for? Come here," his voice shattered the silence, causing me to startle. I took a deep breath as his gaze finally met mine, and he smiled before straightening up in his chair and taking his glass that he brought to his lips, each movement deliberate and controlled.

"I didn't think you knew I was here," I replied, peeling myself away from the door and slowly making my way to him.

"The minute you passed the threshold, I knew you were here," he declared, seizing my hand possessively as soon as I reached his level.

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