Chapter 29 - Twisted Game

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The air on Platform 9 3/4 was heavy, full of emotions. Families exchanged tearful goodbyes, marked by heart-wrenching scenes, while others anxiously awaited the arrival of their long-awaited loved ones.

Against the backdrop of the horizon, the majestic locomotive gradually took form, its steam vapors and whistle softened by the wintry wind's hum. Hours passed as I stood on the platform, eagerly anticipating the sight of Katie's flowing red hair among the disembarking passengers.

After her departure in the evening, I resolved to fight for her, choosing to confront my feelings rather than suppress them. Years of keeping her away from me had taught me that the pain of her absence far exceeded the discomfort of revealing my vulnerability.

I had hoped to explain all of this to her before she left, to catch her in the early morning, but I narrowly missed her. At dawn, she silently passed the potion's classroom, leaving a letter under my door. Exiting the room, she let the door slam shut, signaling her presence. Despite my haste, by the time I reached the corridors, she had already vanished, leaving only the lingering fragrance of her perfume.

Helplessly, I watched her departure from my office window, observing her board the carriage with Sebastian Sallow and Olivia, who had received special permission to accompany her sister and leave the school for a few days.

However, I refused to admit defeat. Drawing on my status as a former Auror with ongoing missions for the Ministry of Magic, I leveraged my connections to obtain her itinerary and reported her departure to ensure she would be detained before leaving the country.

I acknowledged the twisted and toxic nature of my actions but couldn't let her go without expressing my feelings. In the afternoon, I took a personalized portkey to London, poised to await her exit from the Hogwarts Express.

The scarlet locomotive finally arrived at the platform, and the first passengers began to disembark, grimacing as they left the warmth of the train for the biting cold outside. Around me, people shouted for joy, cried, embraced, and spoke at an astonishing speed to catch up on all the news they had experienced during their miserable existences without seeing each other.

Anticipation grew within me as Katie failed to emerge from the train. According to my informants at the ministry, she had boarded the train in the morning and should, therefore, be here. Yet, she did not seem to be coming out of the train.

After several long and agonizing minutes, with hundreds of people bustling around the platform, I spotted and recognized, with annoyance, Olivia exiting the train, laughing heartily. Following her, Sallow joined her on the platform, carrying several suitcases in his arms, a smile on his face.

And finally, Katie descended, her expression unreadable, features drawn. Her movements were graceful and delicate as she tried to retrieve her suitcase from Sallow, but he refused. A forced, nervous laugh escaped her lips as she lifted her head, briefly meeting my gaze without dwelling on what she had seen.

As if she finally realized, she turned her head in my direction, and her cheeks tinted with a lovely rosy hue. Parting her lips, Olivia approached her, furrowing her brows in confusion. "What's wrong?" she inquired.

"Wait for me here," Katie replied absentmindedly, moving towards me with her arms crossed over her chest.

Behind her, Olivia and Sallow stared in astonishment, not comprehending what was unfolding. It wasn't until she stood directly in front of me that they understood, nodding in unison.

For a brief moment, we locked eyes, a tangible tension hanging between us. The weight of unspoken and spoken words, meant to remain silent, bore down on us, creating the infernal sensation of facing a stranger.

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