Chapter 24 - Remorse

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"Miss Evans, would you please shut your mouth and focus on the class?" I snapped, addressing the young redhead girl in front of me. She looked at me with disbelief, clearly taken aback by my sudden intervention.

"I just wanted to help with-"

"I don't care, Evans," I cut her off abruptly. Her apologies held no interest for me. "I am the teacher here, and if someone is having difficulties, they should address me only."

She was about to respond, but her classmate beside her nudged her, and she sank back into her chair, retreating into silence. Her brows were furrowed, reflecting her annoyance and embarrassment at being reprimanded in such a manner.

Deep down, I felt a sense of satisfaction. Seeing her in my class every week for years was challenging enough without having to listen to her giving lessons to her peers and disregarding my instructions.

Moreover, since my last encounter with Katie, her sister had become more challenging to deal with on a daily basis. Her remarks had grown sharper, and she shot me angry glares whenever she got the chance. I doubted Katie had told her what had happened between us, but it was clear that Olivia had noticed her changed behavior and correctly attributed it to our relationship.

Wearily, I made my way to my desk and settled into my chair to observe the other students bustling around their cauldrons. This was a significant point in their academic year, being their second-to-last Potions class before the Christmas break. The next class would be held under NEWT exam conditions to prepare them for the end-of-year exams, marking their transition into accomplished witches and wizards.

However, as I watched them carefully, I had serious doubts about whether half of them would pass their exams easily. Their potions level was deplorable, despite all the efforts I'd made to help them learn something.

My other class, composed of 7th-year Gryffindor and Slytherin students, had shown far greater talent and skill in this subject. It was especially surprising for the Ravenclaws – who were a part of this class with the Hufflepuff – to struggle so terribly in Potions. This was an exception among the other students in the school, who were far more adept at the art of potions.

When the two excruciating hours of class finally concluded, I called each student one by one to my desk to retrieve their vials of potion and assess the damage. The potion was supposed to be liquid, lilac in color with silvery undertones. However, the vials before me contained potions that were black with a consistency like coal, pink, orange, or even green.

I let out a deep sigh when I saw what I believed to be the last student approach me, handing over a vial of yellowish potion. I looked up at him with a sense of exasperation and gestured for him to leave the room.

I rose from my chair, poured myself a glass of whiskey from the shelf, and took a sip. For a moment, I gazed outside, running a hand over my throbbing temples. It had been a long day, and I was relieved that it was nearing its end, hoping for some peace at last.

As I turned around, I was unpleasantly surprised to find Olivia standing in front of the table, her hands on her hips, her brows furrowed. "Do you have a problem, Evans?" I asked, not bothering to conceal my glass of alcohol, even though its consumption was prohibited in front of students.

"I don't know... and you? What's your problem with me?" She inquired, her eyes burning with anger.

"I beg your pardon?"

"For weeks now, you've been targeting me," she began, allowing her unrestrained anger to flow. "You take pleasure in humiliating me, picking on me, and belittling me in front of the entire class for no apparent reason!" She continued in a harsh tone.

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