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—chapter 31

monza, italy

it's race day, mila and valentina are sat together in the mclaren garage as valentina thought it'll be rude to stay in the ferrari's garage after the mclaren so kindly offered the pair passes for the weekend.

the friend group left carlos' birthday dinner just before midnight on friday night. the saturday was like any other fp3 and quali day, with the exception of carlos starting on pole for race day, lando starting 9th on the grid.

mila and val placed their headsets on as the cars started the formation lap. slowly one by one, all 20 cars were stopped on their grid marks, hearts beating rapidly as they watched the 5 red lights turn on and then off, it's lights out the away we go!

carlos had an amazing start, him keeping his position on pole, max versteppen trailing right behind him. both the brits were at the edge of their seats praying he keeps his place.

after a few rounds around the circuit, max manages to overtake the spaniard in red. groaning, camila and valentina slump back into their seats.


race results

pos.      driver
1.            versteppan
2.           perez
3.           sainz
4.           leclerc
5.           russell
6.           hamilton
7.           albon
8.           norris
9.           alonso
10.         bottas

as the last car on the grid passes the checkered flag, mila and valentina quickly made their way towards where the podium is at, both excited that carlos came in third.

carlos jumped out of his car celebrating, pumping his fists into the air. the two best friends screamed in excitement for him as he ran towards his team, jumping into their arms.

after the celebration with them, he came over to the girls and gave both of them a hug, valentina kissing his helmet. "my lucky charm," carlos said to his girlfriend.

"i'm going to go and check on lando," mila whispered to the couple, them nodding their heads, she snake through the screaming crowd of engineers, managers and mechanics.

camila walked all the way to the mclaren garage not knowing a camera man was following her. as she was about to walk into lando's drivers room, after being told he was in there, the camera man turned on his camera and started filming. the broadcast showed as she walked into his room and closed the door, everyone screamed with excitement and some shocked.

fans all wondered what this meant, so many questions started flying around, but stop for the moment as it was time for the podium celebration.

"hey are you okay?" mila asked and she entered his room to see him sat on the couch on his phone. lando looking him he gave her a soft smile before putting his phone down and patting the spot next to him.

the blonde took that as an invitation to sit so she did. "you did great," she said giving him a big smile.

"yeah well, not the best weekend but it's still points on the board i guess," he replied shrugging his shoulders.

mila smiled, putting her arm around his shoulders, he leaned into her, placing his head on her shoulder. they sat like that for awhile when there's a knock on the door.

"lando, post race interview," his pr manager spoke through the door, not wanting to peak into the room as curtesy.

"coming!" he acknowledges her before turning to give mila a quick kiss on her lips, making her break into a smile.

"wait for me here?" he asked her before getting up and walking out the door, mila nodding her head a yes.

"hello lando, how are you feeling after today's race?" the interviewer questioned.

"yeah well, we've had some good races here, 2-3 years ago but um, it was okay," he replied not feeling the best but knowing every point counts.

"amazing, well this might be a little personal, but what's you're relationship status with camila carter? the broadcast showed her walking into your drivers room earlier."

"oh what? um invasion of privacy but okay?" the interviewer laughed a little,  lando's words dripping with sarcasm.

"um yeah we're friends," he continued, forcing a smile.

after more interviews and talking he is finally done. he made his way back to the garage to see mila on her phone.

"guess what happened!" he said, opening the door.

"someone filmed you walking into here and broadcasted it!" he exclaimed in disbelief, walking into the room and sitting down next to her.

"what? like just now??" she questioned.

"yeah i was asked what our relationship status is" lando replied, the couple turning to twitter to see what the fans have to say.

opening twitter and into the search section, #lanila is already trending. clicking into the hashtag, the couple scrolled and scrolled so see most were excited to see the clips, some doubting and hating but that was just a handful.

"this is so fun!" mila exclaimed, clearly loving how the fans would stretch out something between them as proof that they were dating.

laughing at his girlfriend, he smiled, happy that's she's happy.


lia's corner

have a great day!!

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