Chapter 17

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How are you all buns!? I missed you all

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How are you all buns!? I missed you all. Did you missed me!? 


The air in the office was quite only the sounds of papers shuffling and typing on the computer was heard. Today no one was gossiping with anyone cause they were all busy in completing their pending works since the boss will be taking reports of everything as an emergency meeting has been called. It was quite surprising that the boss has called an emergency meeting so sudden that they got informed last night only. 

The atmosphere of the office suddenly changed when the sharp and rhythmic footsteps were heard. Jungkook ran his eyes all over the office corner but there was no sign of the person who he wanted to find. As soon as others saw him, they all stood on their heels hastily to bow and greet him. Jungkook just nod and left to his office, there was no smile on his face while greeting which made them shiver and scared of the meeting. Maybe there is something very serious to discuss that's why the boss called an emergency meeting overnight, was the thought that ran across in all employees'  mind. 

In the meeting~ 

Jungkook: " So we are here to discuss about the new product that we were about to launch this Christmas!! I have decided to change the whole product design and details. And I want you all to create the new design by this month. Let me show you what the things that I want in my new product. "

He showed them presentation since his secretary was not present so everything was done by him. 

Jungkook: " As you all saw that this project is going to be very different from others so I want a project which will be out of the box. I hope you all agree with this!? " 

All of them really liked the idea of the new product so they all cried in one tone " Yes sir! "

"Good! And now the important thing is that no one is going to discuss about this project with anyone. This is going to be our secret product. You all can't discuss with anyone other than your team members. I don't want any security guard also comes to know about this project and not even the one who is not present in this room. And if I heard you all having conversation about project with anyone or loudly in the office then there you will get fired. I hope I am clear!! "

All of them were shocked as well as surprised seeing the new version of their boss but nevertheless they agreed afterall he is their boss. No one dared to ask questions about it. 

" You all can leave now. Mr. Kim Namjoon and Mr. Kim Seokjin stay here, Rest of you can go! "

They are the only people who jungkook can trust in this difficult time. Since they have put their lives in danger to save jungkook before. Jungkook knows that they both see him as their maknae. When all of them left, he shared everything with them in his private room installed in his office room which only he had access through his fingerprints.

"Only you two are the ones whom I trust in this situation so please help me to get to the real mastermind behind this whole plan. "

Jin shooked his head and said

" It was me who called you that afternoon. We were already suspicious about jiwan from starting but we didn't have proofs to justify us so when we got one we called you. "

Jungkook was surprised at this he looked at them with his wide doe eyes and said 

" You both should have said to me beforehand. I would have trusted you both even without any proof! "

Namjoon smiled and ruffled the younger's hair and said 

"Oh bunny! We didn't knew that our bunny trust us this much!! " 

Jungkook pouted at the statement, he knew Namjoon was making fun of him trusting them cuz he had never showed to them that how much he trust them. He never treated them differently in office. So how can they know!? 

" Don't pout you rabbit! You were the one who didn't attended our last month reunion! After coming out from orphanage you acted like you have forgotten us. " 

Jin said showing his fake anger on the cute bunny making Namjoon chuckled at their drama. 

Jungkook sat on his knees and said 

" But hyung! I didn't got time! The business trips and meeting just exhausted me everytime so didn't got time to attend the reunion. "

Jin pat his head and said 

"It's okay bunny we know this! Now let's discuss about the plan! Shall we!?" 

Jungkook nodded and namjin shared all the events that felt suspicious to them in these months and of other employees also being involved in this conspiracy.

Time skip

In evening when jungkook came from his office, he saw taehyung on his door waiting for him. He smiled at him and went towards the boy who was looking quite pale and tired. He worriedly asked to him, 

" What happened to you!? Why are you looking sad? "

Taehyung just nod as No and hugged Jungkook by his waist keeping his face in the crook of his neck. 

Jungkook sighed and ruffled his hairs then said

 " Let's go inside and talk! " 

Tae nodded and break the hug to let jungkook open the door. They went inside and jungkook asked taehyung to spare him a minute as he is stinky and sweaty so he wanted to freshen up. Taehyung agreed and went to sit on the couch of the living room. 

As soon as jungkook sat beside taehyung, taehyung snuggled in him hugging him tightly. 

"What happened to my bear!? Why so sad!? "

There was no response from taehyung for few minutes but then he heard some sniffles making him panicked. He tried to break the hug but taehyung held him tightly not letting to break it. 

Jungkook tried many times but tae was not yet ready for it and every time he tried the hug only got tighter than before and taehyung pressed against him more. Jungkook heart ache badly because it was second time in a day that his bear cried. 

Maybe it's really shocking to you all that a man is crying but don't forget that he is still a teenager. He is still a boy who is not yet an adult and a boy can only cry infront of the person with whom he feels safe with. A man's every emotion only belongs to that person whether it is anger, his crying moments or his happy moments. Yes! It can be his mother too but sometimes children don't want their mothers to get worried about them so they find their safe place in others....

"Are you ok now!? Do you want to share!? " 

Jungkook asked when he felt that the hug is loosened but he didn't got any response instead he heard cute snoring sounds. He smiled and layed on the couch with taehyung on top of him like a small baby. He kissed on his forehead and said " Rest my bear!! This world is too cruel for your kindness! "

He smiled and slept off with taehyung in his embrace.......

Me time: 

Well this story getting to its climax point.... Are you all excited!? Lets see how they will get to the mastermind of this plan and what are Seojoon plans!!

Your author: Mia Tyler 💜💚

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