Daring to touch the Perdia

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I glanced at Jansi and went on.

“Even if it is Angellus, if he has bought all the magic stone mines, it would have been very difficult financially.”

Although the number of mana stone mines wasn’t that big, it was not easy to buy all of them in the Wallentian Empire.

Perhaps even Angellus used his funds to the limit.

The Perdia family will be able to withstand Angellus monopoly for the next few years, but the small merchants won’t last long.

It was here that Angelluss’s ambition to devour all the military supplies businesses would have the most impact.

No one disagreed with me.


“Then Perdia can monopolize as well,” I answered the Duke of Perdia without hesitation.

“We spoke earlier about it, Lili. Most of the magic stone mines have already been sold to Angellus,” Jansi retorted affectionately, as if admonishing me.

But that’s not what I meant by “monopoly”.

“We don’t need a magic stone mine.”

“What?” Jansi questioned.

“Mana stones aren’t the only material used to make munitions, right?”


“We can just buy all the other supplies.”

People’s gazes toward me were mixed with surprise.

Even the first prince, who had always been skeptical of my words, looked at me with startled eyes.

Seeing their expressions change to this extent, I suddenly had doubts about my previous reputation.

In any case, even Angellus, who was said to be able to fly for a long time, could not compare to the accumulated wealth of Perdia.

The Duke of Perdia was in control of the underworld to the point that he was called the underworld emperor.

The imperial family was also powerful enough.

“The Angellus family has just entered the military supply business, so there won’t be many suppliers they have connected with for other materials. After some time, they will eventually have to reach out to Perdia, and that’s when you sell the ingredients to Angellus at a high price.”

At that point, the game was already over.

The Duke nodded a little and agreed with me.

“Yes, if they want to maintain the business, they will have no choice but to buy more supplies from our family. No matter what.”

“But in the end, they will only suffer losses, so they will have no choice but to withdraw from the munitions business.”

The head of the Angellus family will admit his defeat if he has a head on his shoulders. An idiot who would insist on the military supply business despite huge losses would not be able to occupy the position of the head of a family.

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