Chapter 8

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The next day, Ruan Yimian spent the whole day and made more than 70 pieces of cotton rouge.

Lu Caimei had used this precious thing when she got married to Ruan Dexian a few years ago. Now that she saw Ruan Yimian making it, it was quite novel. After the cotton rouge dried, she couldn't wait to take her son to try it.

Ruan Yimian had never used it before, and he was a little embarrassed when his mother wanted to try makeup on his face. However, after the rouge was made, he had to try it. In order to make money, he suppressed his shyness.

Lu Caimei cut off a small piece of cotton rouge with scissors, added a little water to mix it, then dipped it in with her fingers, kneaded it in the palm of her hand and patted it gently on Ruan Yimian's face.

Ruan Yimian's face has always been pale due to illness all year round. Although it is very fair, it looks a little dull.

He made two different shades of cotton rouge based on the colors of the petals. Lu Caimei chose the lighter color. After diluting it with water and applying it to Ruan Yimian's cheeks, Ruan Yimian's plain white face suddenly became much brighter.

The effect of this cotton rouge was really good. Lu Caimei was a little stunned when she saw it. After she came to her senses, she exclaimed happily: "My son was born so well. When you put this cotton rouge on your face, it will change instantly!" "

"You also need to put some on your lips." After Lu Caimei said this, she dipped some rouge in the water and applied it gently on Ruan Yimian's lips.

Rouge is a general term for mouth and face fats. Many rouges are used on lips and face together, and this soft rouge made by Ruan Yimian is also used.

After Lu Caimei finished applying it, she stood far away and looked at her son again. Once she saw it, she couldn't help but praise her: "This is so beautiful. If mother knew that you use this soft rouge so well, she should buy it for you earlier." One piece!"

Good-looking is secondary, the most important thing is that the complexion has changed too much.

Maybe this color is just right for him. After using it, Ruan Yimian's complexion improved a lot, his cheeks became plumper, and he didn't look sick at all. His whole person became more alive, and he looked like a healthy little brother. Son.

Ruan Yimian was so praised that his face was almost steaming. He took the bronze mirror that Lu Caimei borrowed from Brother Cheng and looked at it.

The little guy in the mirror has starry eyes and red lips, black eyebrows and dark hair, and the corners of his mouth are curved. He is really good-looking.

Ruan Yimian felt a little happy. Lin Qiu said that he had talent in making rouge. It seemed that he was not trying to coax him.

"Mom, let me try it for you too!" Since he did a good job, he should let his mother use it first.

Lu Caimei waved her hands repeatedly, "Mom is so old, why do I need this thing? If I apply it, people will laugh at me!"

Lu Caimei strongly refused, but Ruan Yimian finally failed to try rouge on his mother.

Looking at his mother's rough and cracked palms, he secretly made a decision in his heart. When Mian Rouge made money, he would make a box of hand ointment for his mother.


There are still some petals left on the pomegranate flower, but these will not be wasted. Ruan Yimian has another use.

Yesterday during dinner, he told his father to help him make a wooden seal in the shape of a pomegranate flower. Then he would dip it in the flower juice and print it on oil paper.

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