Chapter 44

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The acquaintance between Wu Junhao and Huo Aowu is a long story. The friendship between the two of them today can only be said to be acquaintance without fighting.

The Wu family has a lot of wealth and is an imperial businessman. The children of the family do not need to serve in the military. Wu Junhao went to the border to join the army because he was angry with his family and went there secretly. He has four brothers and sisters, all of whom are promising, but he is the only one caught in the middle. He is mediocre and his best martial arts skills are of no use at home.

Four years ago, he was scolded by his father and went to the border in anger, vowing to rely on his own ability to make a name for himself on the border and impress his parents.

The commander of the southwest border is a member of General Gu, and the Wu family has some connections with the general's mansion. When they learned that Wu Junhao had gone there, his parents only wrote a letter of trust to take care of him, but did not take him back.

Wu Junhao had a cheerful and open-minded temperament, and was cared for by the general's subordinates. He was at home at the border and became a centurion in just a few months.

There are not many wars on the border, but there are often competitions between the various battalions. Wu Junhao has been taught by masters since he was a child, and his martial arts skills are indeed good. He is not on the same level as a skinny farmer's boy who was forced to join the army.

He believed that he was highly skilled in martial arts. He heard that there was a newly promoted centurion who was so brave and brave that ordinary people could not match him, but he didn't take it seriously.

But the first time he fought against Huo Aowu, he lost miserably, and every time he tried again, he was defeated again and again. After several times, Wu Junhao was not only convinced, but also became curious about Huo Aowu.

This man's moves are simple and crude, and do not follow common sense. He seems to have never practiced martial arts systematically, but he has sharp reflexes and infinite strength. How did he practice it?

Because of this curiosity, Wu Junhao ran after Huo Aowu when he got free time, pestering him to learn martial arts. Over time, the two became familiar with each other.

Later Huo Aowu asked him if he knew any doctors with excellent medical skills, preferably those who could cure the weak diseases brought in from the mother's womb.

Wu Junhao really knows one person.

His cousin was also very sick since he was born, but was later cured by a doctor named Xu. Wu Junhao told about Dr. Xu's treatment for his cousin, and also said that he could introduce Dr. Xu to Huo Aowu.

Huo Aowu was very happy. His usually expressionless face showed a rare smile that day, and he solemnly thanked Wu Junhao.

After this incident, the relationship between the two has undergone earth-shaking changes. It turned out that Wu Junhao was the one who decided to shave his head and choose his son. After that, Huo Aowu would also take the initiative to seek advice from him.

The two people's martial arts are not in the same way, but they learn from each other's strengths and complement each other's weaknesses, which really makes both sides' skills improve by leaps and bounds.

Learning from each other and fighting side by side will make their friendship further. Although their family backgrounds are very different, the two of them have similar interests and have a lot of sympathy for each other.

Because Huo Aowu wanted to be an escort, Wu Junhao planned to open an escort agency with him.

The eldest brother of the Wu family is engaged in business and is already taking over the family business to share the worries of his parents; the second brother is engaged in literature and is preparing to take the imperial examination and become an official; although the younger sister Wu Qianrou is a girl, she is also a woman and not only gives her the family share He managed his property in an orderly manner and opened his own garment shop in Beijing. He became very popular among the powerful in Kyoto and was quite famous in major cities.

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