Chapter 62

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Ruan Yihan and the others returned to the village at noon.

Yu Peilan couldn't eat or sleep well these days. She always had nightmares at night, dreaming that her daughter couldn't think straight and did stupid things.

After waking up from the dream, she prayed to God and Buddha, hoping that her daughter would come back safely.

She has been strong for most of her life, but this is the first time she has pinned her hopes on these illusory things.

When her daughter finally came back, Yu Peilan burst into tears and held her daughter in her arms and cried for a long time.

Ruan Yihan could still maintain her composure in front of her two younger brothers, but when she arrived at her mother's place, she really couldn't suppress her grievances. Her mood swings were so severe that she almost made Sister Lian cry.

After her emotions calmed down, she explained the matter of reconciliation to her parents again.

Yu Peilan wiped away her tears and nodded repeatedly: "That's it. If I can rescue you and Sister Lian from that wolf den, it will be all worth it! Don't worry, I'm not old yet. Sister Lian will take care of you." , you should still go to sell goods with your brother as before, and mother will also do some embroidery work to support you. If we two work together, life will get better! If your father doesn't want to take care of it, we won't either. Too rare to beg him!"

Ruan Deming was so crowded that he couldn't hold his head up: "What are you talking about? One of them is my daughter and the other is my granddaughter. How can I ignore her?"

When Yu Peilan heard this, she became angry. She slapped the table and said bitterly: "If you hadn't kept stopping me, my sister Han would have reconciled with that man surnamed Liu. How can I endure so much?"

Ruan Yihan put her arms around Yu Peilan's shoulders and said comfortingly: "Father, mother, let the past go. Let's all look forward and live a good life!"

"As for going business with Tsuen Tzu, forget it. Tsuen Tzu bought a bullock cart and he can handle it on his own without my help. And his marriage has been decided, and money will be used to get married. There are so many, I shouldn't drag him down."

Yu Peilan raised an eyebrow: "Quanzi is your brother, how can he not be a drag? You took care of him when he was young. When he first became a salesman, he didn't dare to go out to do business alone. Thanks to you for accompanying him. ! Now you need to lend some strength. If he dares to say something bad, my mother won't agree!"

"Mom, I know Tsuenzi won't dislike me, but wouldn't we earn more by selling goods separately?"

Ruan Dexian suddenly became anxious: "How can that be done? If you go to sell goods in those villages, you have to stay at a fellow villager's house. How can you, a girl, live outside alone? What should you do if something goes wrong?"

Yu Peilan glared at him, then turned to her daughter and said, "Sister Han, your father's words don't sound right, but he's right. It's really not safe for you to go out alone."

"That's what I meant, why can't I hear what I said..."

The old couple were bickering, going back and forth, arguing endlessly. It was obviously not a warm scene, but Ruan Yihan's mouth curled up when he heard it.

She glanced at her parents who were "quarreling" about her, and then at her brother who was eating fried rice with Sister Lian, and a smile appeared on her face unconsciously.

She finally returned home, and only when she got here did her heart finally settle down.

After putting Sister Lian to sleep, Ruan Yihan and her parents brought some fruits and vegetables to eat and went to the uncle's house to express their gratitude.

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