Chapter 83

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Because the escort bureau was short of people, Huo Rong was turned into an escort master. Before the first month of the year, he was taken out by Yuan Qi to go out as an escort.

Several handymen who were reliable and down-to-earth in their work, but who originally only worked in the back house, were also allowed to follow the escort.

Huo Aowu and Wu Junhao spoke. In the future, the handymen escorting the escorts will also train with the escort masters. If they can train well, they can also become escort masters.

In addition, Huo Aowu also thought about the soldiers who had returned from retirement in the neighboring villages.

He told Wu Junhao, and Wu Junhao also thought it was good, so they sent people to deliver news to Furong Village and Qinghe Village, saying that they wanted to recruit escorts. Soldiers who had returned from retirement would be given priority, as well as hunters and warriors with outstanding skills.

After the news spread, in just a few days, many people came to recommend themselves.

Huo Aowu and Wu Junhao screened and recruited a dozen escorts and seven or eight handymen, finally solving the problem of insufficient manpower. As for the character of these people, it will take time to verify.

As a result, the back house of the escort agency was full of people.

There were not enough rooms, and some escorts who were close to home were unable to move in. Wu Junhao took the initiative and gave them a monthly allowance of 200 yuan, which was considered to be well settled.

Wu Junhao had intended to buy the Escort Bureau's house last year. Now that the Escort Bureau's business is booming and its accounts are turning around, buying the house can be put on the agenda.

When he and Huo Aowu were free that day, they went to Yaxing together to discuss the matter with the owner of the house and the Yaman who introduced them to rent the house.

According to the price of local houses, this house is about four hundred and fifty taels. Huo Aowu and Wu Junhao lived here for half a year. They were satisfied with it in every aspect, so they deliberately increased their budget and prepared four hundred and fifty taels.

The owner of the house, whose surname is Zhao, is about fifty or sixty years old. He is also a businessman and is respectfully called "Master Zhao" by outsiders.

Mr. Zhao is of medium height and has the appearance of a smiling Buddha. When discussing the rental of the house with Huo and Wu, he behaved very well and promised that if the Zhenwu Escort Bureau was interested, the house could be sold to the Zhenwu Escort Bureau first and at the market price. He would never take advantage of the fact that the Escort Bureau had already settled it. Once you get down, you won't have to worry about it anymore, so you can just sit down and raise the price.

During this meeting, he was still smiling, but when it came to selling the house, his attitude changed.

Perhaps he knew that Zhenwu Escort Bureau had made some money last year, and Mr. Zhao opened his mouth to ask for six hundred taels.

Zhenwu Escort Agency has lived in this house for half a year. The patrons of the Escort Agency are all familiar with this place. It is really inconvenient to change the store.

Moreover, Huo Aowu had carefully selected the shops. The remaining shops either did not have courtyards, or the courtyards were not large enough. In addition, the locations were too remote. After many choices, this one was the most suitable.

Although he was extremely satisfied with this house, he didn't want to be taken for granted.

Huo Aowu said that it would be four hundred and eighty taels at most, otherwise he would rather go to the trouble of changing the shop instead of buying this house; Wu Junhao tactfully hinted to Mr. Zhao not to lose his credibility just for the small profit at hand. It won't hurt to make good friends with their escort agency.

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