Chapter 15: A sheep mark | NSFW |

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Warning this chapter has a sex scene. Go to the next chapter of it bothers you. This is the first time that written a sex scene, so I will apologize in advance if it bad.

"Haha, it might not look like I might not have the best green thumb when looking at this," Jade stated, embarrassed at Yuma's stunned face. She looked at the 'garden' she was trying to work on when Rosette was forcing her to take a break. "But I promise you that it would not look like that if it was not for the fact that I was so busy."

The garden in the back of her home have not been plow and still had some weeds that needed to be pulled out. Yuma stared blankly at the sad-looking Pilewort flower on the left, looking ready to die.

"I figured that since I was going to make a vegetable garden, it would be nice to have a flower bed next to it," Jade explained quickly when she noticed his attention was on it. She shrugged pathetically at it. "It was supposed to look like some type of fusion. Didn't have any idea about how it was supposed to look like at the end. Figure it would work itself out in the end."

Yuma twitched as the need to fix the problem before him became stronger by the minute. Jade yelped in surprise as she was suddenly grabbed by the shoulders. Jade looked into Yuma's intense yet pleading eyes.

"I promise you that you will have the most beautiful garden in this village as long as you allow me to take full charge of it." Yuma demanded.

"Um, sure? If it makes you happy." Jade agreed and watched as Yuma's face lit up like a child before muttering the type of veggies, he should plant next to what.

'He is much livelier when confronted with something like this.' Jade acknowledged. Feeling more confident about this situation, Jade took his hand and dragged him back inside the house. Snapping the man back to reality, Yuma furrowed his eyes, confused about where she wanted to show him now. Then, a specific smell made his toes curl, and his shaft twitched in excitement as it got stronger as they got closer to a room that was further back of the house.

When she opened it, she revealed an empty room with only three brown bags and a single blanket on the floor. One of the bags was open with some things spilling out, showing a few items that Yuma did not know what it was.

"This is my bedroom; sometimes, I just fall asleep on the living room floor. Now that you are here, I guess you can sleep here." Jade stated. Yuma had gone to the blanket and brought it to his nose, taking a sniff. His excitement grew as the rich aroma of Jade's sex filled his nasals.

"W-Why are you sniffing my blanket?" Jade asked, getting weirded out by the sight. Yuma lifted his head and looked at Jade with half-lidded eyes full of lust.

"I can smell you on this." Yuma said huskily as he kept the blanket close to his chest. The change in his voice had made Jade's stomach do flips. Jade decided to act like she did not notice this.

"Yeah, well, I cover up in it at night." Jade replied, rolling her eyes.

"No, I would notice the difference between that and a woman's arousal." Yuma told her, smiling when he saw how startled she became.

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