Chapter 37: Plans to go next, an offering from Mayor Laurel

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"Boy, since you extended your break, I had no choice but to cover for you much longer than necessary!" Jake's father shouted, his fat face turning beet red from all the rage he felt inside him. "You know how busy these days are, and your mother gets so sad when she is all alone!"

"We both know that is not true!!"

Jake's father twitched at his comment and stormed to his son's room. "I volunteer my precious time from my dearest to teach you the importance of basket weaving and money management to strengthen your chances of finding a female! Your mother wanted you to kick you out of the house to make more room, but instead of listening, I convinced her to let you stay in the shop as an extra hand."

"I was just going to pay you five crystals for this month, but now I am not giving you a damn thing!! And I will still not pay you for the next two months!!"

"You make it sound like you were paying me a lot," Jake grumbled, rolling his eyes. After looking at the storage that had been his room for the past few months, he slung his luggage bag over his shoulder. "Alright, move out of the way. I cannot afford to be late right now; return to my mother if you miss her that badly."

"Where are you going?" Jake's father asked. The rage he felt vanished as he looked at his son, confused. He stepped back when he saw the strangest sight in all his years. "Are you... smiling?"

"Yeah, crazy, right? I thought I could only make a fake smile," Jake laughed. "But the strangest things are happening these days: flying, mated beastmen keeping me hostage, and so much more."

"What are you talking about? Have you hit your head during your long walk?" Jake's father questioned. Jake stopped laughing and looked at him thoughtfully.

"To be honest, I still think I am dreaming, but that is neither here nor there." Jake replied as he made his way over to his door. Walking past his baffled father, he began to hum a tune to himself, ignoring the footsteps behind him.

"Are you really leaving?"

"I was going to be driven out in a couple of days anyway, so I might as well start now," Jake answered. He waved goodbye to his speechless father and walked out the door.

"He really left," Jake's father muttered. Soon, a large, proud smile formed on his face as he shuffled around the shop to prepare for business. "I am really good at this fathering thing; I need to contact my dearest to get one of her cubs down here and begin their own training in managing the shop."

"I am saying that voting for Mei is a bad move," A rabbit beastman told his brother as they walked down the street, a bag of carrots in his arms. "Rachel and Sarah are going to send their men after us."

"True," His brother agreed. "You have to admit the things she was saying sounded nice. But that type of thinking can only lead to trouble."

The rabbit beastman was about to speak again when he spotted Jake coming their way. " It looks like something good must have happened to the basket maker."

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