Chapter 20: The reason why the city fall

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An hour after Jade and Yuma were brought back to Jade's base, Wild City had managed to fend off the ferals when the royal guards came. However, the ferals managed to make it out of the total of five unmarked women, three marked women, which included Mayor Silas' daughter, and the only two female children with many beastmen dead. It was marked as the biggest loss in any city combined.

Alan hoped his competitors had managed to get out of the city, and Jade was waiting for him a distance away with the familiar feistiness he loved so much. When he found Diego unconscious and heavily injured, and Akagi dead in the city, surrounded by the corpses of their enemies, without sight of the coward and Jade, his heart was torn out of his chest. This leads Alan to stick to the city for four days as he tries to follow their scent.

"GOD DAMMIT!" Alan shouted after shifting back into his human form. He punched the tree in frustration causing the tree to shake and leaving a small hole where his fist had been. Feeling himself about to lose his mind from the lack of progress he was making, Alan quickly rubbed the tattoo that had been fading away ever since she left.

'It's almost like she never placed there in the first place,' Alan thought bitterly. The vow he made to her playedthrough his mind. He knew that the woman was thinking about leaving but he was hoping that he would have managed to convince her to allow him to stay with her longer. 'This whole situation is driving me fucking crazy. Where did they go? Did Len manage to get her?'

"Looks like you came back to the same spot, huh?"

Alan turned around to look at Vice with a small bit of distain, trying to ignore the bandaged shoulder where his left arm used to be. After partnering up with him to defeat Len in hopes to make him have begrudging respect for him, especially when he lost his arm and his woman yet still willing to take care of Diego while he searches.

"It's like they just disappear in thin air." Alan told him as he scratched his head, frustrated. "I honestly don't know where to go now. I am scared to think that a flying feral manage to grab her."

"I doubt that," Vice said, confident that the woman was still safe. "The beastman you said she was with would have been killed on the spot."

Vice saw the way Alan's shoulders had sagged down like an invisible weight was removed from it when he had denied his claim.

"You must really love her," Vice mused out, still could not wrap his mind around the idea that the raider would go out of his way to find a woman that he did not plan on selling. "Never thought that I would see the day."

"Love?" Alan repeated the word slowly, trying to wrap his mind around the foreign word. "Calling it that is toostrong a word."

"Then what's the point?" Vice asked, confused. "It would be easier to just find another one."

"I am fond of her," Alan corrected him, smiling. "She does not ask too many questions unless it contains to her, is notbothered by my feral status, and never once treats me like I am a servant. If anything, that is more than enough good traits that most females do not have."

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