Chapter 34: Currency and Spying

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"Five red crystals for the thing?!" A beastman complained as he eyed the tall green weaved basket that stood next to the stand. 

"Well, it is made with the finest of bamboo," A twenty-five-years-old white haired beastman inform the outrage man. He steps away from the basket stand to squat next to the basket in question. "As you can see from the patterns and nicely tighten knots it is built to carry heavy loads without the fear of it snapping under pressure. It is design with nice flowery pattern making it look nice in you and your mate's home."

"I do not have a female," The beastman hissed out, the elk flinch as he watches the man began to get more angrier by the minute. "I just need something to help carry my goods. Get me something cheaper."

'God what a pain in the ass,' The elk beastman groan to himself and he began giving meaningless apologies to the pissed off customer. 'It is almost time for my lunch break, why he decided to appear at my father's shop when I was still working?'

"Excuse me sir but I need to buy something too."

'Oh, would you look at that, he turned red like a tomato,' The elk mused as he watched as the beastman turned bright red when he saw a tanned skinned woman with long brown hair. The beastman cough in embarrassment before just giving slamming the crystals on the stand and lifting the basket on to his shoulder and swiftly leaving.

"Thank you so much for the help, Miss." The elk thanked her as he made his way back behind the stand and collect the crystals, only to become delighted when he saw that the beastman accidently gave him a couple of red crystals in them. 'Hoho, looks like I might be eating from Steamy Delights today.'

"Are those red garnet crystals? I never seen any as red as those. I forgot to introduce myself!" The woman said laughing. "My name is Tessa."

"Ha? Oh, I'm Jake," Jake held up a small white basket with flowers attached to the handles. "This basket is popular with the females lately."

"The flowers will die, and it is too small to carry my medical supplies," Tessa replied nonchalantly, tapping her hand on her belt. Jake looks at the strange clothing sacks with interest for a brief second before focusing on her. "I am actually more interested in knowing more about the currencies."

A word 'no' was on the tip of his tongue when he suddenly felt presence nearby staring at him. With a side glance behind him, he saw his father squatting behind larger baskets in the back watching the interaction. 'Well, I will definitely get it if I do not attempt to woo her, especially since it is a few days left until it is time for me to go off on my own.'

See that he did not have any more customers left anyways, he decided to play along with the obvious woman's strange request.

"Well not sure how I am supposed to begin this explanation," Jake begin rubbing on the red crystal now known as red garnets. Tessa beamed when she realized he was willing to talk to her and began explaining her currencies in her world. Jack listens intently at her explanation, never once interrupting. "Well, I think I more of a clear way to help with your understanding then."

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