Chapter 25: Welcome to Evermore City

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A/N: Thank you for the wait, might have to reappear again next Wednesday so for now enjoy these chapters.

"We let Jade take a break for one minute and this is what happens," Victoria groaned as she gestures towards the horse feral in a rear necked chokehold from Tessa. His eyes began to roll back of his head as his face turned beet red from the lack of air, he tried to scratch her arms in attempt to get her to release him. "They start popping out the woodwork like a bunch of guppies. We should just put the barrier back up."

"I am not going to use my powers just because you are annoyed," Jade said, rolling her eyes. She knelt beside an injured Yuma with Tessa's medical belt by her foot. "You just need to suck it up and roll with. Yuma said we are close."

"Are we?" Victoria scoffed. A wave of exhaustion hits her when she looked at the only male member of their group being treated by her friend. "Are you sure that you know where to go? I think it would have been for the best if we left the poor lamb."

Yuma flinched at the accusation and kept his head down while Jade stopped bandaging Yuma to glared at her. 

"Don't call him that," Jade demanded. "You already know how much he hates it."

"Fine, whatever," Victoria said in a flat tone. Not at all bother to the woman's anger, instead she checked her water bottle to make sure that she still has at least some water left. "But that does not change the fact that we might be going in circles."

"We are going the right direction," Yuma spoked up for the first time after the surprise attack. Yuma rubbed his arm nervously, staying still while Jade finished putting the bandages on his cheek. "The smell of flowers that grows around Evermore City is getting stronger."

Victoria pressed her lips together, not be able to deny the fact that sweet smell of flowers was getting more noticeable. 

"There's no need to be so mean to the man," Tessa said, letting go of the unconscious man and stand up. She made her way over to them while rubbing her sore arms, then patted Victoria on her shoulder. "This is his first time guiding a bunch of women. So unexpected attacks are going to scare him."

Victoria looked at Tessa's hand blankly leading her to snatch her hand away, frighten that the woman might do something to her. 

"Um, sorry. I know that your group is not big on touching.... Or being friendly at all," Tessa muttered the last part, not knowing that the woman can still heard her. "I promise that I will never do that again, please spare me!"

'What type of image do she have of me?' Victoria wondered, taking in the way Tessa flex her fingers and how occasionally she would shift her feet like she is getting ready for a fight. Victoria turns away from her and continue to on the path they were on, when she notices the lack of footsteps behind her, she stopped to look behind her. "Why are you all standing there? We need to get going before another man manages to catch our scent."

After another hour of walking and chatting with each other, when they finally got to an opening in the forest where they welcome to the sight of a beautiful array of blue, red, and white flowers to see in the distance they can see a building structure. 

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