Chapter 33: The lone white rat

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A/N: Torture at the near end, mention of drugs. Please wait for the next chapter if this bothers you

'He almost caught me,' A white rat race away from his hiding place, making sure to stay out of view of the other ferals who was getting drunk. He made his way to a pipe a hole in the ground and started to squeeze his way through the passageway to get to his destination.

A redhead woman sat on the floor inside of a cabin closer to the back of the village where Len's hut is located, her murky green eyes watch out the window at the guards that was supposed to guarding her prison snoring away with empty jugs surrounding them. The sound of dirt being scuffled around near the cage drew her attention. The white rat appeared from within the tall grass, he kept himself hidden and look at the guards to make sure that they were asleep.

"You do not have to worry about them." Her soft voice cracked from lack of use. "They have been drinking all day, it would not shock me if they were in a deep sleep."

"Lily." The rat called out to her softly, running into her prison and began to pace around. "It seems like leader of this village did not tell the visitor about your location. Is he some kind of foe? Either way it is good news since that man seems more crooked than him. They were talking about a drug. Is it possible if I get this information to the right people will they be able to shut this place down before you get sold?"


Boris stop his muttering to look at his mate and flinched back at the broken smile she gave him.

"You always been a nice beastman. I am just realized that now," Lilian commented, brushing her hair out of her face. "Thank you for sticking by me all this time even after all the things I had done to you."

"Oh, it is all right." Boris said, looking down on the floor while playing with his tail. "It was my fault for failing you as your mate."

"No, it was my fault." Lilian said, crawling over and picking him up. "I was so spoiled and treated every man like they owe me the world. Hell, I did not even take care of the women like I truly wanted the best for them. It was no wonder, father was always disappointed in me."

"It was your right!" Boris said making sure to keep his voice low enough to not stir the guards. "You are the precious cub of the mayor of Wild City."

"You are so sweet," Boris' mind went blank when Lilian kissed him on the forehead. While Boris was in his own mind, she went over towards the bars and place him outside of the cage. "That is why you need to move on and forget about us. With your mate mark being forcefully removed the only place you should head is towards Scorch City, they welcome ferals there and find yourself a nice mate who can appreciate you."

"But there is no way I can allow you guys to be sold to who knows where." Boris argued. Lilian shook her head and went back to the corner she been sitting.

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