Chapter 22: Have some respect

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Distressed about the situation and angry at themselves for not being able to keep their loved ones safe from the ferals lead to them attached themselves on the story that Mayor Silas weaved.

They looked at the falsely accused beastman with pure hatred and begin let out their cries for justice.

"How dare you do this to us!?"

"We trusted you!!"

"I had saw a feral that looked like you walk along the city during the chaos, he must have been your brother!!"

"My mate was acting like she was in heat when she was taken, I bet that it was all your fault too!!"

"My fawn was kidnapped; she was too young!!"

'Everything turned out nicely,' Mayor Silas hummed, allowing the angry crowd voiced out their anger with a sense of satisfaction. He glances at the lizard beastman that was fuming on the sideline. 'It's unfortunate that Len could not fulfilled his part of the deal in taking care of this man, but it all can be fixable with this.'

Mayor Silas suppressed the urge to flinch back when Alan's eyes snapped towards him, the uncomfortable feeling of having all his secrets exposed to him. Mayor Silas sucked his teeth, looking away from his piercing gaze. 'I can't wait.'

"Listen to me!!" Vice begged the crowd as the anger and fight left him. Vice's single eye begin to tear up, feeling hurt that they were more willing to believe this lie. "I love Lily with all my heart and give everything in me to protect this city that she loves! Along the way I grew to love you all and wanted nothing more than the best for-"

Vice was cut off as a shot of pain had strike at his forehead where the rock of the grieving father beastman had threw it at. This trigger the rest of the crowd to also start to throw their own rocks, ignoring the fact that the four-stripe buffalo beastman was still holding Vice.

'This is not good,' Diego frowned as he notices how calm Mayor Silas was with the chaos going on. It was like he was not truly affected by the loss of his daughter; his eyes reflect how he truly felt. 'He had already had the crowd wrapped around his finger.'

"SILENCE!!" Diego shouted; he eyed the crowd daring them to make another move. Frustrated yet unwilling to go against a royalty, they all stayed where they are.

"With this evidence, I cannot deny that it was Vice that created this incident," Diego said as turned to look at Vice, ignoring the way the betrayed look that the one arm man was giving him. "The beast law states that if a beastman did something as grave as this must be stoned to death to provide justice to the females that he hurt and the lives he destroyed."

The beastmen cheered at that comment, praising Diego for his wise decision and begging to be the one to give the final blow. 

'Just like how I expected,' Mayor Silas thought, biting the inside of his cheek to prevent himself from laughing at how easy everything turned out. Mayor Silas decided that it was time to wrap up this show and go deal with the aftermath. Mayor Silas singled his guards that was creeping closer to Alan to prepare him to get execute. 'The royal family's power is something that I truly wish to achieve.'

"Thank you for giving justice for my daughter and the females that were injured and kidnapped," Mayor Silas thanked Diego, he dropped to his knees in front of him and lower his head to the ground show his gratitude and submission. "Your kindness for my city touches this old man's heart."

 Giving up on proving his innocence, he had looked blankly at Diego waiting for him to make the order for his death.

"Glad you felt that way," Diego said, crossing his arms as he looked down at him. "Then you will agree with what I feel is much more appropriate punishment for them."

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