Chapter 05

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I finished doing my aarti, then placed the thali down on the mantel before I clasped my hands together and closed my eyes. Hai, Devi Maiya, Jiji is really upset. Please fix everything. I can't see her like that. I...

"Ay, Sanka Devi! Where are you?" Bua Ji shouted from the kitchen while I squeezed my closed eyes more tightly.

Devi Maiya, you know that the wedding broke because of me. But... What else was I supposed to do? I panicked. I... I did what I thought was good at that time. But I think I should have told everyone about it after the wedding. But...

"Sanka Devi, Come here right now." Bua Ji called again, but I didn't answer.

Please do something to help Jiji. She... she's really heartbroken and upset. And by seeing her like that, I'm feeling heartbroken... Why didn't Jijaji just say that he'd always choose her and support her? If he had just said that, then I wouldn't have said anything to anyone... I just wanted to be sure that Jiji was doing the right thing before I pushed myself into the fire. But everything went wrong. And instead, I pushed Jiji into that fire. So, please do some miracles, and...

"Arre, Nandkishore! Where did this girl go this early in the morning? Now how will I..." Bua Ji continued yelling as I tried my best to concentrate on my prayers, but...

"Payaliya! O Payaliya!" Bua called after a moment. Offo... Why can't she just give Jiji some time alone?

I finished my prayers in a hurry and went to the kitchen while saying, "Who died that you couldn't wait for five minutes? And I told you, Bua Ji, leave Jiji alone for today." With her hands on her hips, she stared at me with raised brows while her lips turned into a thin line.

I huffed out a breath because of her reaction before copying her way of standing and asking, "Why did you call?"

She relaxed a bit at my tone before turning and pointing at a container up on the cabinets with a finger.

"I need that. Bring it down." She answered and turned to me. I made a face at her before I pulled a stool and brought it down.

"What will you do with this?" I asked curiously as I placed the stool back in its place and peeked over her shoulders. "Laddu? You're making laddu again?"

When she didn't answer, I rounded the island to stand opposite her. And I found that she was indeed making laddu.

"Bua Ji, Why are you making this? We already have so many sweets left from the wedding. Where will you store these?" I asked as I leaned against the wall and crossed my arms over my chest.

"I was feeling very restless. That's why I made them." She said it sadly before sighing softly and looking at me. "But don't tell Amma, Babu Ji... or Payaliya about it. They'll think I've gone mad like you." She really can't let my Jalebi be.

I twisted my mouth to my side at her comment before taking a laddu from the tray and taking a bite.

"How is it?" She asked while her eyes waited, hopefully for an answer.

"It's really bad." I lied before pushing the remaining half inside my mouth and continuing with a mouthful. "I can't even swallow it."

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