Chapter 14

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It's been two days since we reached Hazratganj. And two days have passed since Bua Ji started making us work until our bones broke from cleaning the house. And two days later, everything was going very smoothly until the last moment when Jiji fell down the stairs and sprained her ankle, and it was because of Bua Ji and me.

"You are not going to do the cleaning anymore." Amma glared at Jiji, who sat on the bed with her head bowed, while Bua Ji and I stood by the bedroom door, looking guilty.

"We are hiring workers for further work. And no one is going to do anything." She added while handing Jiji a glass of haldiwala dudh. "Especially you."

"Garima, look at the size of the house. We don't have that much money." Bua Ji spoke up while I nodded.

"I have enough..." Amma said as she covered Jiji with a blanket. "...from selling the house."

"You sold the house?" Jiji asked as she looked at Amma with her eyes wide and lips parted. I swallowed dryly. Right, she doesn't know.

Amma slowly nodded as an answer.

"But why?" Jiji asked as her brows started to knit in the center. Because of me.

"You already know why." Amma answered.


"I haven't used up a single penny from it. Also, it's quite a huge amount." Amma explained, interrupting Jiji. "So your Babu Ji and I had divided and deposited the amount equally under your and Khushi's names in a bank in Delhi for your wedding." She looked at Jiji and me before continuing, "But you two can use it however you want to since I don't want you two to get married for a very long time."

I stared at her as she finished before walking up to her and hugging her tightly while my eyes burned with the urge to cry. I never thought anyone would do that for... me.

"I also want to hug you, but I... can't stand." I heard Jiji say.

Amma and I huffed out a laugh before hugging Jiji together and later asking Bua Ji to join us. Thank you, Devi Maiya, for giving me such a loving and trusting family who believes in me and stands with me no matter what. Thank you.


The next day, I walked upstairs to the second floor with a bunch of keys in my hand, which Bua Ji used but couldn't open a single door, but Amma could open all of them ever since the first day. I turned right and took the second hallway where I left my work of opening doors yesterday and walked down to the heavy set of double doors almost at the end on my right, and I remembered this morning's conversation at breakfast on what we should do with the money.

I was very loud and clear that I wanted to fix the house, finish my studies, and open my business. But Jiji still wasn't sure what she wanted to do apart from studying. So, I had joked, saying that she then should become a teacher, and now... She's considering it.

I started trying on the keys one by one and prayed to Devi Maiya for this not to be a bedroom. We have already found three bedrooms downstairs and one on this floor. I don't think we need another bedroom or that Maa and Baba needed more than four bedrooms before. I really hope this door leads to the pond, as Amma was speaking about last night. But she also told me that there is supposed to be a pond on the back of the house, not inside, although...

The lock clicked, and I pushed the door with excitement for it to be... something.. I don't know, a hidden room maybe. How exciting will it be to find a secret room that no one knows about? Even Amma...

Oh, it's another hallway. I sighed and carefully entered, stepping over the threshold. I should bring a torch or something. I looked around at the dark hallway as an old, musty smell hit my nostrils. I was about to turn to get a torch, but I halted as I noticed on my right, a door. Several of them, actually.

I opened the third one in the row and found a big living room with a bigger balcony and another open hallway on its left, leading to another set of double doors. Also, there was a small staircase on the right side of the living room leading upwards. I opened the other three doors, and all of them opened up in the same spacious living room.

I placed my hands on my hips and twisted my mouth to the left. Why do you need four doors to enter a secondary living room? I looked around the dust-covered furniture as I walked up to the balcony. There was a set of chairs and some oversized planters. I stepped closer, placed a hand on the concrete handrail, and looked around. So, this is the front balcony Amma was talking about.

I dusted my hands off and walked down the open hallway to the door, and I tried a few keys until it opened. Another staircase? Seriously? Why do you need so many staircases in a hou...

"Khushi?... Come down." I turned and looked down from the balcony when I heard Jiji shouting my name from downstairs. She waved her hand at me to come downstairs and went inside, limping.

She really doesn't listen to anyone. Amma has told her so many times to not put pressure on that foot. But why would she listen? She's my sister na; why would she? But I'll take her to the doctor tomorrow if she continues to be like this. But at least she's not crying anymore thinking about Jij... Akash Ji.

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