Chapter 07

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You have to marry me. Otherwise, I won't let your sister Payal get married to my brother Akash. But why?... Why did you want to marry me? I know there was something between... I mean, we might have gotten comfortable with each other at some point, and I might've fallen for you, but that doesn't explain why you'd want to marry me.

"Khushi..." Jiji called me as I sat on the bed. "Are you listening?"

Yes. I am... You were so different during... the wedding functions and...


Arre, what?... Was all that for show? Were you...

I felt myself shaking, then I found Jiji standing in front of me with her hands on my shoulders and a frown on her face.

"What? Why are you shouting?" I asked as I looked up at her, but my mind drifted away. Did you even feel anything, or was all of it just an act?

"Where are you lost?" She asked as she let go of me and crossed her arms over her chest.

"No where. What is it?" I said as I pulled her to sit next to me and turned on my seat to look at her.

She remained quiet for quite some time before looking at me and saying, "Let's go to Lucknow for a few days?" My brows shot at my hairline at her sudden request.

"Suddenly.. why?" I asked as I stared at her while she hesitated to answer and looked down. When I thought she might answer, she sighed instead and fiddled with the end of her off-white dupatta while staring at it intensely. "Jiji?"

"I... I don't know. I just don't want to stay here. I feel stuck. I..." She stopped and looked up at me before adding, "I want to get away from all this for a few days."

I stared at her before patting the top of her hand and nodding.

"Are you going alone?... Or are we also coming?" I asked and tried to make her smile.

"Where will I go without you all?" She said this as she gave a very, very small smile. At least she smiled.

"When do you want to go?" I asked.

"Tonight?..." She answered as she looked at me uncertainly, waiting for my reaction, then added, "...Or as soon as possible?"

I stood up and nodded at her before saying, "Pack your bags. We are leaving tonight for Lucknow."

She almost smiled excitedly, but soon her mouth fell open for a second as a thought crossed over her face, and she said, "Amma, Bua Ji won't agree. And... Babu Ji is also sick. He can't travel by train..." She paused for a minute. "Forget it. I don't want to go."

"Jiji..." I tried.

"I knew about Babu Ji's condition. I... I don't know how I said something like that.... How can I be so selfish?.." Jiji continued talking as she panicked and blamed herself.

I took hold of both her arms and gave her a good shake until she finally stopped and looked up at me with wide eyes and trembling lips.

"We are going. But we won't go by train. So Babu Ji will be fine. Okay?" I looked into her eyes and nodded while assuring her with slightly raised brows. "And you're anything but selfish."

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