Chapter 8

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Arora ran up to my bed with tears in her eyes:


I wasn't good with children crying. Please don't cry. Please. What should I do? Should I tap her in the back? Help.

"Dad, I heard that you fainted. Are you okay? Are you sick? Are you going to die?"

I raised my hands, trying to help Arora to calm down:

"Wow, wow, wow. Slow down. I am not dying. I just... I just ate way too much.

-Are you sure? They told me that you collapsed and Eulisses wouldn't let me see you and...

-It's okay, don't cry please. I didn't collapse, I just puked a lot. That happens. You should never do exercise after eating. It's very bad for your stomach."

She did calm down a bit and tilted her head to the side.

"But why did you do exercise?

-I have no idea. Exercise is never good."

Eulisses cleared his throat and that reminded me that I was talking to a child:

"I mean, exercise is always good! It's the best. You should exercise a lot. But never after eating. But exercise. But not after you just ate."

Arora quickly nodded, as if trying to remember everything I just said.

"Eulisses said that drinking water is very good after you upset your stomach. So we brought you cold water.

-Thank you so much."

Feeling two pairs of eyes on me as I was drinking was kind of stressful. I suddenly forgot how to drink. I just had to fill my mouth and swallow. It was nothing hard. However I still managed to spill it on my shirt.

"Wait, dad. I'll bring you a tissue.

-Oh, thanks."

After helping me dry myself, Eulisses took Arora away to let me rest. I was grateful for the space but I couldn't rest at all. I just couldn't calm down and was hearing Ephraim's words in my head again and again.

I tried getting out of bed but feeling my weight on my leg made me open my mouth suddenly. I immediately covered it and prevented myself from making a sound.

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt. It's fne. It's just in my head."

I did manage to walk around a bit but it was clear that running was out of the question for a few days. I really should have ran away while I could. Now I had to wait until I was better. Or I had to walk away. Not that I minded, I always preferred walking.

I opened my door to check outside and five heads immediately turned towards me:

"Duke Consort? Do you need something?

-Should we call someone?"

I slammed the door, taken aback. There definitely weren't that many knights in the corridors before. I tried my best ignoring it and opened the door again with a smile:

"Hello, there.

-How can we help you?"

I waved with my hand as if they had just made a good joke:

"Don't mind me. I am just going to get some fresh air.

-The Duke told us not to let you out of bed. The doctor said that you needed to lay as much as possible for your ankle.

-No, it's fine. It doesn't hurt anymore. I think some air would be the best for me.

-I'm afraid I'll have to insist. Your health is the most important."

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