Chapter 9

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For the following days, every time I opened my door I would fall face to face with Ephraim. He must have been doing it on purpose at that point. I didn't leave my room once and started getting used to laying in bed the whole day. I didn't even feel like getting dressed anymore and just laid in my pajamas. I lied. I only liked laying around for twenty minutes. After that I got bored. Fortunately Eulisses and Arora were there to keep me company.

"Dad! Are you okay?"

I jumped, having not realized that I was spacing out. My tea cup had been tilted and some tea had dripped down on my leg. Fortunately it wasn't burning hot anymore.

"I'm fine."

I tried taking the napkins but Eulisses was quicker. He started rubbing my leg and it was too weird for me not to immediately push him away:

"Stop! I said, I'm fine!"

Eulisses immediately let go and I could wipe myself in calmness. Well, that was without counting on Arora:

"Are you okay? Did you suddenly feel weak? Does your hand hurt?


The child's tiny hand suddenly landed on my forehead. She then frowned, looking for something.

"You feel warm! Dad, you should lay down. Quick, we should call a doctor!"

Eulisses immediately went for the door and I had to grab his jacket to hold him back:

"Don't! I'm fine! I was just spacing out, I'm just a bit tired."

I shouldn't have said that. Arora became even more worried. She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the bed. Who would have thought that a child would have such strength? I almost fell off my chair trying to follow her.

"Quick, lay down. Do you need anything? Tell me."

Her eyes were shining and I was terrified she would start crying.

"No... It's okay. This is way better thanks."

Arora suddenly covered my eyes and I jumped:

"Close your eyes and sleep."

How was I supposed to sleep while feeling two people staring at me? I knew that Arora wouldn't leave me alone until I did and I pretended that I did fall asleep. I slowed my breathing down and did my best not to move. Seeing me in that state made Eulisses put his hand on Arora's shoulder:

"We should give him some space. Come on."

Arora did hesitate but she let go of my face and I heard the door close. I was really grateful to Eulisses. He really needed to go on a vacation soon. I finally opened my eyes and looked around the room to make sure I was alone. It did feel uncomfortable being in wet clothes therefore I got changed before crawling back to bed. Who would have thought that being around children would be that exhausting?

I just laid down on my stomach and buried my head into my pillow. Having trouble breathing like that woke me up and I suddenly felt thirsty. I walked back to the tea table and realized that there wasn't any tea left. I looked down at my cup with a frown. Why did I have to spill the tea?

I sighed and walked to the door. However, as soon as I opened it, I found myself face to face with Ephraim. Seeing his face in my corridor again made me scream at him. It was stronger than me. My mouth was quicker than my brain:

"You again?"

Ephraim smirked:

"I'm glad to see that you are back on your feet already. My wife sure is strong. Guess we could finally take a little walk together."

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