Chapter 26

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Ayda ran with all her might but soon her lungs called her back to reality. She had to slow down and continued while walking. She knew immediately where to find Nifsara and without any surprise, the latter was at the training grounds, training as usual.

Nifsara immediately felt Ayda's presence and even if she didn't, she would have noticed because of all her knights staring behind her. Ayda didn't try making herself small, wanting to make sure that Nifsara saw her. But at the same time, she didn't come up to Nifsara either. She pictured the creepy male lead in the book she had read and imitated him. She stopped in a corner and started staring at Nifsara.

As she was doing so, she suddenly realized that she had no idea what kind of face the male lead was making while stalking the main character. Was he making a specific face? Was he smiling? That would be even creepier. Therefore Ayda chose not to smile and she just left her face expressionless.

The knights waited for Ayda to come up to Nifsara and just say something and seeing her frozen confused them. Everyone imitated Ayda and froze. It became an awkward staring contest and even Nifsara turned around with a frown.

Ayda didn't expect Nifsara to turn around so fast. In the book the main character needed hours to notice that she was being followed. Ayda knew that Nifsara wouldn't need so long but she didn't have time to think about the next step yet.

She looked away and pretended that she didn't want to be noticed. She hid slightly behind a pillar and continued staring at Nifsara. Seeing her do so, the latter didn't ask any more questions and went back to training. It was kind of frustrating seeing her do so. Nifsara just saw Ayda staring at her and she didn't ask any questions? It was annoying but Ayda forced herself to be patient and continued hiding.

While Ayda was staring à Nifsara, some knights did come up to her to see what was going on:

"Lady Maganti? Do you... Perhaps need something?"

Ayda shook her head:

"No, thank you.

-Then, are you perhaps looking for the Commander?"

Ayda shook her head again. A stalker would never admit stalking someone.

"No, I was just passing by and thought that I would stay here for a bit.

-You should come closer. We brought a chair specifically for you.

-Thank you, that's very nice but I prefer to stay here."

The knights didn't have time to ask more because Nifsara turned to them suddenly:

"I didn't know that you were paid to chat."

The knights jumped hearing their Commander's harsh tone. They grimaced at Ayda before crawling back to training. Being left alone, Ayda continued staring at Nifsara and soon she realized how boring being a stalker actually was. She was just standing there and had to stare at Nifsara. She couldn't do anything else and her eyes started getting tired. She had to rub them a few times but every time she closed her eyes, she could still see Nifsara's figure. It was getting rather uncomfortable and Ayda had to change positions and moved behind a different pillar to stalk from.

She didn't know how long she needed to just stare but she started regretting that plan. It was too late to abandon now and she forced herself to stay focused. Nifsara on the other hand didn't even seem to notice Ayda's presence. The longer it was taking, the more frustrated Ayda was getting.

How different was this from what she was doing before? She had already followed Nifsara everywhere to annoy her by being clingy. Now she was doing the same except she was following from afar. She couldn't even talk to Nifsara or do anything apart from looking at her. By then Ayda could have drawn Nifsara with her eyes closed. Ayda was getting so bored that she started counting the folds on Nifsara's shirt. It turned out to be more time consuming than Ayda would have thought. Because Nifsara couldn't stay put, her shirt didn't stop moving either and the number and positions of folds changed as well.

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