Chapter 22

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"I am so sorry! Oh my God!"

Fortunately it wasn't a heavy package but as if things couldn't get any worse, the lingerie flew out and was spreading itself at the knight's feet. The latter didn't look very happy, understandably. He incredibly quickly got over the surprise of seeing lingerie and looked up with a scowl. He looked ready to murder someone. When our eyes met, however, he immediately recognized me. That made him lose his frown and he jumped up to bow:

"I apologize, Duke Consort. I seem to have been at the wrong place at the wrong time.

-Don't apologize! You didn't do anything wrong! I am so sorry! Are you okay? If you puke within two hours then you might have a concussion!"

The knight's head jerked up. He looked taken aback for a second. The Sliske before me was cold and self centered so his surprise was valid. I didn't want to pretend to be mean and selfish therefore I just went on:

"Stay there, I'll come down!"

I didn't give the knight time to answer and rushed as fast as possible to the door. I had to slow down both because of the packages and because of my painful ankle. Seeing me jumping on one leg, made Eulisses frown:

"Mister Sliske, you should slow down. What if your injury worsened?"

I completely ignored Eulisses and continued jumping closer to the door. I wasn't really athletic and was once again out of breath by the time I reached the door. Eulisses followed me worried and helped me open the door. I completely forgot that I was under close watch and got taken aback seeing the knights behind the door. They were towering over me the same way the packages were and I didn't like that at all.

I wanted to throw them out the window as well but that reminded me of the knight I had hurt. Eulisses passed one of my arms around his neck and helped me walk down. The knights didn't hold us back but they followed us closely. We just walked in silence, my panting the only noise breaking the silence. The knights did ask me if I needed help once but having ignored them, they just went back to silence.

It took us a very long time to get under my window and I was surprised to see that the knight had waited there. I just stopped for a second and just looked at him. He looked so displeased with life that I didn't think he would actually stay put. I shouldn't have been surprised knowing that he was a knight and that he had to follow my orders but I still was. Stopping gave me time to get my breathing back on track. Seeing me stare at him, the knight couldn't help but frown:

"Duke Consort? Do you perhaps need something?"

I came back to my senses and jumped closer to the knight. The latter did his best to stay put but I could see that he didn't like the idea of me coming any closer.

"Are you okay? Does your head hurt?"

The knights that had followed me looked down at the destroyed package and coughed awkwardly.

"Are you hurt anywhere?"

The knight quickly shook his head, still looking rather puzzled:

"I am grateful for your concern, Duke Consort. I am completely fine.

-Are you sure? I am so sorry.

-I'm fine."

The knight was looking me up and down as if wondering who I was but it seemed he chose that it wasn't important and just pinched his mouth. He looked back at the package and couldn't hold back a grimace:

"However, it seems your package wasn't as lucky."

I shook my head, not even looking down at the package:

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