Chapter 19

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A few days later the doctor finally announced that Ayda was healing and told her to still take it slow and rest a lot just to make sure that it would continue on that road. He told her that he would continue checking on her every morning to make sure that she was fine. Ayda was excited. She thought that seeing her recover while still staying as clingy as ever, Nifsara would finally start getting bored of her and she decided to come on stronger than ever.

She decided that she would avoid the sparring topic like the plague, still remembering those three hours of hell. All she could think about was turning into a creepy fan and the next time she saw Nifsara, she immediately grabbed her arm. She grabbed her so many times that she was used to it at that point. Nifsara didn't flinch either and she covered Ayda's hand of her own.

Nifsara was very gentle with Ayda. She was so gentle that it was irritating. Ayda felt like an ill patient in Nifsara's hands and it was driving her crazy. She wasn't sick at all. Nifsara was the one that came up with it in the first place and Ayda hated feeling weak. Especially in front of Nifsara. The latter was always that untouchable hero and seeing her treat Ayda like a baby made her want to destroy her. Ayda always forgot that Nifsara had to hate her because of how much she was irritated by Nifsara. She wanted to wipe that gentle smile off her face.

"You look so gorgeous today... Your hair looks amazing in a ponytail. I just love your curls."

Ayda grabbed Nifsara's hair and started playing with it. She bent very close to Nifsara's face to make her uncomfortable but the latter didn't step back. Ayda frowned. Why wasn't she moving away? Their faces were very close and when Ayda looked up, she locked eyes with Nifsara. The latter didn't look away once and Ayda started feeling that it was a competition. She wouldn't be the first to look away. Who cared if she didn't look shy anymore? She was going to win this battle.

Nifsara suddenly laughed and looked away, hiding her face behind her hand. Seeing her turn her eyes away made Ayda feel incredible. She almost jumped in the air but froze when Nifsara looked back at her. She had never seen her smile so broadly and Ayda wondered what could have happened in her head.

Nifsara quickly got her composure back and cleared her throat:

"Excuse me, Lady Ayda. I am just glad to see you so energetic. It is very nice to see that you are feeling better."

Ayda felt her blood slowly heating up. She didn't even have time to feel happy for her victory that she was already being ticked off. It was good that Nifsara thought she was feeling better. That was what Ayda wanted. If she didn't pity her anymore, Nifsara would finally get bored of her. She had to continue clinging.

"I feel way better and it is all thanks to you."

Ayda needed a second to figure out what to compliment next:

"And your eyes are so pretty. I've never seen such beautiful blue eyes."

Nifsara listened to the compliments patiently. She didn't seem creeped out at all or angry but Ayda was only getting started. Seeing no reaction, she grabbed Nifsara's face and pulled her very close to hers. Now that she could have a better look at her eyes, she continued going on:

"I never noticed that you had yellow in the middle of your eyes. It's very pretty."

Feeling Nifsara freeze made Ayda smile. It seemed what she was doing was working.

"You are so lucky. I have never seen such a gorgeous human before."

It was the first time that Ayda ever complimented anyone and she was quickly running out of ideas. All she could do was continue talking about the different colors in Nifsara's eyes:

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