2 ⋆*・゚:⋆ deja vu.

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*・゚:*・゚:*.*:・゚✧.: *・゚: .

song: deja vu by olivia rodrigo

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:✧*⋆.*:・゚✧.: ⋆*・゚: .⋆ ☾

ARA PULLED HER LEATHER JACKET OVER HER SHOULDERS, the piece of clothing was a bit big on her considering that when Bill gifted it to her for her twelfth birthday he'd bought it a size bigger to ensure that it would last her for longer. A faint 'meow' stole her attention and she turned to softly stare at Venus, who was lying on the bed.

"You hungry?" Ara said, going over and sitting down next to her, petting the top of her head.

Venus stared expectantly at her.

"Nice try, I just fed you."

But the cat didn't seem to mind her words, simply cuddling further into her embrace as she lay on her lap, making Ara chuckle. Her eyes wandered towards the bedside table where a wrinkled WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE poster took residence, Sirius Black's face in its centre. Ara's eyebrows furrowed deeply, her arms tightening around her cat. She'd stared at that picture longer than she'd like to admit, the haunted eyes—so similar to her own—that stared back at her pulled her in even when she tried to resist it.

She'd loathed the man for as long as she could remember. He was the reason Ara was hated by practically anyone who came in contact with her besides her family and friends. He was the reason she received heated glares each time she went outside. He was the reason she hated her last name. He was the one who appeared in her nightmares, taunting her with the thought that one day she'd end up just like him.

Sirius Black was the root of all of her problems, and as much as she tried, she'd never be able to shake him off. Ara would always be his daughter even if she didn't consider herself to be. "Mass Murderer's Daughter" is what people would not so quietly whisper whenever she was around.

Being Sirius Black's daughter was an inescapable nightmare. People would never view her as just Ara Black.

Before her mind could spiral deeper, the door to her room burst open, revealing Ron, who appeared to be ready to leave already.

"How many times, Ron—!"

"I know! 'Knock' but Dad says we should head down for breakfast, he told me to come get you." Ron grumbled.

"You still could've knocked."

"Good morning to you, too."

"It was until you showed—"

"Blimey, you're annoying—"

"You two coming?" Suddenly, Harry appeared beside Ron, giving Ara a small smile. "Good Morning."

"Morning," Ara returned his grin, making Ron scoff something about her only biting his head off. "Yeah, just a moment—"

They stood by the doorway waiting for her as she went around making sure she was all packed. As she did, she took one final look at Sirius Black's face before she crumbled the poster into a tight ball and threw it in the rubbish. Lastly, she made sure to grab her black dog plush from the bed and place it on top of her trunk to make sure she wouldn't forget it.

"I can't believe you still carry that thing around," Ron snickered, referring to her plush.

"I could say the same about Scabbers." Ara fired back, making Ron glare at her as she shut the door to her room, assuring that Venus stayed inside. She was slightly defensive of her little dog plush, as old as it was, it was the only thing she had from her mother. Or at least she thought it was a piece of her mother, Mrs. Weasley had said that Ara always had it even before they adopted her.

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