45 ⋆*・゚:⋆ a dangerous choice.

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☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:✧*⋆.*:・゚✧.: ⋆*・゚: .⋆ ☾

song: you found me by the fray.
TW: mentions of previous child abuse.

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:✧*⋆.*:・゚✧.: ⋆*・゚: .⋆ ☾







"Son of a—"

"What is going on here?!"

Ara's insult was unfortunately cut short by the sharp voice of Molly Weasley.

It had already been a week since the summer started, and like they had planned, as soon as they had stepped foot into the Burrow, Ara and Atlas had dropped the bomb on the family about their relation. As they expected, the Weasleys had fired them with endless questions and they'd tried their best to answer all of them. Though,  even in their shocked state, they'd surprisingly taken the news fairly well, besides the fact that Ron fainted and they had to wait several minutes for him to come back from the dead.

Atlas had been immediately welcomed into the family, and even if he was still wary of the things that he did around them, he was slowly warming up to them. Ara and Ron specifically always made sure that he was comfortable in their home, Ara had been pleasantly surprised by how Ron had been with Atlas, both of them spent quite a lot of time together, either playing chess or annoying Ara until she threw them at least twenty feet away from her. The Twins would constantly steal him away as well, apparently, they'd made acquaintances while they were at Hogwarts and were set on making him their best friend.

And right now at five in the morning, Ara and Atlas froze upon Mrs. Weasley's arrival, they were standing in the kitchen, both appearing tired beyond words, Ara was covered in water while Atlas was shivering and trembling more than a leaf.

Both of them had their hands raised and aimed towards each other. They hurriedly lowered them and smiled innocently when Mrs. Weasley glared at them.

"What are you two doing?" she placed her hands on her hips.

"Nothing," they said together, their smiles not faltering.

"Why are you wet, Ara?" said Mrs. Weasley, narrowing her eyes.

"Er—the rain," Ara chuckled nervously.

"It's not raining," Mrs. Weasley then looked at Atlas. "And why do you look like a tornado ambushed you?"

"Your daughter is a violent thing."

Ara rounded on him.

"You snitch! You threw water at me first!"

"Well, you unleashed a literal tornado on me!"

"Because you're an incapable piece of—"

"At least I don't burn eggs!"

"Oh please!" Ara scoffed as she threw her hands in the air exasperatedly. "They're not that bad!"

"They're not supposed to be black!"

"How would you know?"

"Bloody logic—"

"Enough!" Mrs. Weasley cut in, even if their petty arguments were more than amusing, right now it was too early for her to deal with their antics. "Why were you two attempting to cook breakfast at five in the morning in the first place?"

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