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Hey everyone,

I am thrilled to share that I've just recently published my book, "The Bad Boy and His Princess," up on Amazon with a new title, "Awaking Aurora." Witnessing this dream become a reality is truly surreal. Alongside this exciting news, I've made a decision regarding the original draft on Wattpad. I've decided to keep it on here because I deeply value each one of you and want you to continue enjoying the book in its raw, first-draft form.

Now, if you're up for something a bit different, the updated version, "Awaking Aurora" on Amazon offers a more polished and developed version of the story. If that interests you, I'd appreciate the support by checking it out!

Looking back at when I started "The Bad Boy And His Princess" at seventeen, I never thought I'd come this far. Your support has been a big part of my growth as a writer.  In this new edition, I've put in some time to shape characters, refine my writing, and bring in a more diverse cast. Should make for a cooler reading experience.

If you're curious and want to join me on this new adventure give it a read, enjoy, and if you feel like it, drop a review. Your support really does make a difference. Thanks for being a part of this journey. Couldn't have done it without you. Let's see where this new chapter takes us!


Ade ♡

Book link : https://a.co/d/gmeZnUw 

OR Search Awaking Aurora by Ade Oluokun on Amazon

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