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Quick A/N:
In This chapter the N word is used. If you don't feel comfortable reading/ think it might offend you don't read. But there will only be a few lines on this topic.
Thank you :))

I didn't know how I felt about this.

I currently had my mouth hung open wide as I watched Derrick lean against my locker looking down at his phone.

After a minute or so I continued slowly to my locker noticing people staring, mostly girls, at Derrick.

He looked up just as he heard me approaching and grinned. "Hey babe."

He pulled me into a tight hug and it took all the power in me to push him off with a laugh. He was way to strong.

"Derrick! What the heck are you doing here?"

"I thought I'd take you out for lunch or something. I'm bored and I have a lot of money to waste."

"How did you find my locker?"I asked curiously as I opened it.

"I asked. Duh."he said waving towards a group of girls who stood not to far away just ogling at him.

As I looked around I noticed more and more people not just staring at Derrick but at me too. I squirmed uncomfortably. They were most definitely wondering who this super hot, rich looking guy was doing here and they were probably wondering why he was talking to me.

"Will you go for lunch with me?"he asked.

"Sure. As long as you get me back in the next forty five minutes."I said closing my locker."I'm not tryna skip school here."

He grabbed his chest and gasped."Do you think I would ever ever try to tarnish your ever perfect record by making you late back to school?"he asked mockingly.

I rolled my eyes. "Yes."

"You think so lowly of me my love."he said with a sigh before wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into his chest. This definitely caught the eye of a few students.

"Let's just go Derrick."

As we walked out of the school I noticed Nadine and her friends walking towards the stairs we were walking down and I groaned. She just had to be everywhere I was didn't she?

We tried to walk around her big group but Nadine easily stepped in front of us causing us to stop.

"And who are you?"she asked with a flirty smile directed at Derrick.

"Derrick."he answered but he seemed to be uninterested.

"Derrick."she mumbled."Your cute. What are you doing with her? "She asked sneering at me.

Derrick arm moved from my shoulder to my waist protectively. "She's my friend."

Nadine smirked."Oh look at that Aurora you just got friend-zoned."

"I don't see Derrick as anything but a friend not that it's your business anyway. "I said crossing my arms. It was easier to stand up to her when Derrick was beside me.

She rolled her eyes. "Right. You-"

"Oh hell naw! I already graduated from high shool, I am not trying to get myself into that kind of drama. Now if you'd excuse us."he gently pushed Nadine aside and we continued our walk to his flashy car.

"So where are we going?"I asked as he pulled out of the parking lot.

"I dunno yet. Let's just see where the wind takes us, okay?"

"As long as we get back by the end of lunch."I sighed. My eyes widened and I sat up.

"Sugar balls!"

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