12. Movie Night

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We came to a stop just a few houses away from mine. Jer helped me off his bike and helped me take off his extra helmet.

"Thanks for tonight Jer I had so much fun! I can't believe you actually saw Inside Out with me!"I smiled.

He scowled. "Don't you dare tell anybody about that okay?"

I nodded giggling.

"I'm happy you had fun though."he smiled leaning against the handles of his bike with a lazy smile. I smiled blushing.

"Well I'll see you tomorrow."I said before it could get awkward.

"Yeah, Bye. "

"Bye!" I started my walk to my house and when I got to my front door I turned to see Jer still watching me. I waved at him enthusiastically and he waved back.

I opened my front door and walked inside closing the door. I waited until I heard Jer's  bike start up and zoom down the street before I turned around sighing.

"Ahhhhh!"I clutched my chest.

"Where have you been?"

I calmed my breathing and gulped as my dad stood in front of me with his arms crossed and angry look on his face. I wasn't used to this at all, I couldn't remember when my dad had ever acted like this.....probably because I had never gotten in trouble before.

"I-i um..."

I couldn't tell him I had been out with Jer if he found out I was with a guy and I rode on said guys motorcycle I would be dead.

"I went to the movies with a friend."I said quickly.

He frowned."Really?"he asked suspiciously.

I nodded.

"So how come when you came in you pressed your ear against the door?"

Danm it!  He saw that?

"Well, I thought I heard an ice cream truck and I was just listening to see if I was just hearing things or if it was actually there." I couldn't believe I was doing this,  this was the first time in had lied to my Dad in a long time.

My dad raised is eyebrow. "An ice cream truck? At eight in the evening during winter?"

"I know! That's why I thought I was hearing things. I must really be craving some ice cream, speaking of which I think I'll just go and get som-"

"Funny cos while you thought you heard an ice cream truck, I'm certain I heard a motorbike out there."

My eyes widened and I gulped again. "Really?"

"Yeah, just about when you came in actually."he said.

I cleared me throat."Dad I don't know what your implying here. I just went to the movies with a friend. I have never been a bad child and I've never been disobedient. I'm eighteen soon I  think I can go out once in my whole life without being interrogated about it."I crossed my arms assuming the same stance as him.

He uncrowded his arms and cleared his throat. "Your right honey. I'm sorry, I shouldn't even have doubted you. I just- you didn't even call and I've been waiting for you to come home. You the most important thing to me and I'm not used to not seeing when I come home from work. You have to understand that."

I felt really guilty for snapping at him like that."I know dad, I'm sorry for not calling, I was just distracted and I'm sorry for being mean."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and laid my head on his shoulder.

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