2.Sleeping beauty

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"Aurora, get up!"I heard from outside my door. I groaned as I pulled off my covers.

Ever since I had gone late to school last week my dad had decided to start waking me up himself.


I got up and walked into the restroom. I brushed my teeth, took a long shower and got changed before going downstairs for breakfast.

"Morning sleeping beauty!" my Dad greeted. Apparently, the name Aurora fit me well since I sleep so much and Aurora was that Disney princess, sleeping beauty.

I muttered a response and slumped down. Mornings were the only time I was grumpy, give me an hour after I woke up and I'd be skipping around and singing.

"Lucky charms?" he asked. I grabbed the bowl out of his hand and started eating.

"Okay then." he sighed and went back to get himself some cereal. My Dad was a morning person and annoyed the crap out of me.

After breakfast, I still had an hour and a bit before school so I decided to catch up on my assignments.

"How's school?" my Dad asked from across the kitchen island.

I shrugged. "Fine."

"Anything new? Friends? Boys?"

"No Dad you don't have to worry, there are no boys."I giggled, my grumpy mood waring off.

"Good, that's my girl." he smiled proudly sipping his coffee.

"You're basically saying your proud that no one wants to date me."I laughed. "Which means you're proud that I'm ugly."

He frowned as he thought about it then smiled."Your right."

"Hey!"I shouted throwing my pen at him.

He ducked and laughed. "Only joking sweetie, you're beautiful and I'm sure loads of guys want to date you but they can't cos you're not allowed to date until your eighteen...."

He stopped as he realized something causing me to smirk. "Eighteen? As in two months when I'm eighteen? I think I can wait that long."

My Dad had been telling me I couldn't date till I was eighteen for years and now I was going to be eighteen in two months.

He frowned again." I change my mind. Until you're twenty. No, Twenty-four!"he frowned.

I laughed. "It's too late to change it Dad. Besides I don't think you'd have much of a say in me dating after I'm eighteen."

"Don't worry, it's not like anyone wants to date me anyway, so you're fine."

Before he could protest I walked into the hall to get my flats.

"I'm gonna go now, Dad,"I said putting on my school bag.

"Okay, but where a coat, I don't know how you wear sundresses all year round." he shook his head and I giggled.

"I can't help it, I love them!"I said twirling around and then almost tumbled over from the weight of my bag. I laughed and looked up at my Dad.

My Dad gave me the look he always seems to give me, that 'are you demented?' look. Poor him having to deal with me.

I ran up to him and kissed his cheek and then walked out of the house. I loved to walk to school. It was when I got to think, I never ever accept rides from my Dad even if it's raining or snowing. I just loved nature!

I skipped down the road, my bag bobbing up and down as I moved. I wondered how crazy I looked right now and laughed. A girl walking past gave me a weirded out look only making me laugh again.

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