15.The Flash

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"So are you free today?"Jer asked imterrupting my conversation with Ian.

I grimaced."I'm sorry Jer, I and Ian were going to watch a movie tonight."

He nodded his jaw ticking. "You do realise were gonna have to continue working on our project sooner or later right? You don't just stop doing everything you need to do beacuse your friend is back in town."

"Jer."I said shocked.

He rolled his eyes. "Y'know what, just tell me when you've stopped putting everything on hold for your friend here."he turned around and stormed off.

I scrunched up my eyebrows in confusion. I didn't understand what he was so upset about. Okay maybe I have been blowing him off....quite a bit. But I really just wanted to spend time with Ian and with Nadine lurking around, outside school was the best time for us to hang out, which meant I couldn't work on the project.

"Whoa, that dude is really something."Ian said shaking his head.

I gave him a tight smile and nodded."Yeah...he is."I said watching as he turned a corner down the hall.

"Well let's get going."Ian said closing his locker.

He'd been nice enough to drive me to and from school everyday since he got back...which meant I didn't ride with Jer anymore. I had to admit I missed riding with him but I guess I missed Ian more.

"So what are we watching?"he asked as we walked to his car.

"I was thinking The Little Mer-"




"Fine then how about Froze-"

"No way in hell."

"Okay what about Beauty and the b-"

"Hey here's an idea. We don't watch a Disney Princess movie."

"B-but you used to love watching Disney Princess movies with me."

"Aurora don't say that out loud!" He said looking around to see if anyone heard as we slipped into his car. "Besides I was like six."

"Uh no! You were twel-"I was cut off by his large hand covering my mouth.

I pulled his hand off and growled. "Why do you keep cutting me off everytime I try to speak?!"

He rolled his eyes. "How about we watch Deadpool? Trust me it's one of the best movies I've ever watched."

"But isn't it dirty?" I said twisting me fingers.

He gave me a flat look and started the car.

"Your eighteen Rory not eight."

"Yeah but Ryan and Millie went to see it in theatres and they said it was really dirty and he kept talking about masturb-"

"Okay then. How about you just shut your pretty little mouth? Hmm?"he asked with a fake smile.

I shrugged and sat back as we made our way towards my house.

When we got home, we immediately raided my cupboards for candy and then placed them all on the coffee table.

"Ooh let me get the ice cream."Ian said walking to the kitchen."What do you guys have?"

"Cookie dough, mint chocolate and strawberry ripple I think."

He came back with the cookie dough and mint chocolate knowing too well not to mess with my Dad's strawberry ripple.

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