3.Drunk off weed?

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"Hey, Jer!"I smiled as I sat beside the anti-social bad boy.

We had been sitting together for the past few days and even though he mostly read, I enjoyed his company. I think it was just because I wasn't alone, even if he didn't talk to me and the only time he did was when he wanted to insult me. I think he enjoyed my company too, that was the only explanation for him sitting here day after day.

He nodded his head in acknowledgment and continued to read. I didn't get any lunch today cos my Dad had taken me out for breakfast this morning and I was still full, we were celebrating his promotion at work after my mom had died when I was thirteen, money had been short but it looked like things were looking up for us.

Since I had no luck and the guys weren't playing on the field I had nothing to occupy myself with.

"Hey, Jer?"I turned to him.

He didn't react so I continued."What's your favorite color?"I asked.

"I don't have one."

"What? You have to have one! Everyone has one color they prefer."

"Can't you just leave me the fuck alone?"He groaned.

"After you tell me your favorite color!"I said crossing my arms. He was so mean sometimes.

"Black, it's black okay!"

"Like your soul,"I whispered. I think he heard me cause he rolled his eyes.

"Now can I get back to my book?" he asked.

"You know most bad boys don't spend their time reading. They wear leather jackets, ride motorcycles and get drunk off weed."I pointed out.

He burst out in laughter. My eyebrows furrowed. I didn't get what was so funny. It was really weird seeing him laugh....but kinda cute, okay really cute. His eyes crinkled at the sides, his white teeth were fully on display as he brushed his beautiful hair out of his face.

"What?"I asked.

"You said drunk off weed!"

"Yeah, I know."I frowned.

His face dropped. "Wait so you meant it?" he asked.

I nodded and he burst out laughing again.

"And." he heaved."I'm guessing bad boy's also get high off alcohol?" he asked.

I smiled. Now he was getting me. "Yes! Exactly!"I nodded.

He heaved. "Stop! Just stop! You're killing me!" he breathed out.

I crossed my arms. As nice as it was seeing him smile, he was starting to piss me off- excuse my language. Darn it! He was making me swear too!

After a while, he got up and wiped his eyes. "You are too funny." he sighed and shook his head.


He chuckled again and picked up his book.


Ever since that interaction with Nadine she had been extra mean to me. I made sure to never be alone with her and her friends. Sometimes they can be really mean.

But today just wasn't my day because as I sat in Lit waiting for the class. Nadine and her friends walked in and once she spotted me she smirked.

"Just the bitch I was looking for." she stalked over."So now you feel special don't you?"

"What?"I asked.

She rolled her eyes. "You feel special because Jeremiah Summers sits with you at lunch," she said glaring at me.

The Bad Boy And His PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now