8.Let Down

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"Jer wait!"

"What now?"he asked exasperated.


"Princess stop trying to stall, I'll only be a minute."he promised.

"But-"I started.

"Aurora I'm only trying to help, let me just get this over with okay?"

The fact that he used my actually name made me shot my mouth.

He got up and walked down the bleachers over to where Nadine and her friends sat as they watched the football team practice, although I felt like she was watching us more than she was watching the guys.

I watched closely as he stopped in front of her with a blank expression. He talked to her slowly like she was a child and pointed in my direction a few times causing me to blush as people started to look at me. Nadine glared at me very chance she could get as Jer continued with his very....very long warning. When he was done he sighed and walked back to me.

"Well?"I asked.

"She promised to leave you alone."


"Yes.Now,"pulling a book out if his bag "let's sit in silence as you eat and I read okay?"he asked now talking to me like I was child.

I nodded and went back to eating my grapes.

I couldn't help but glance at Nadine, she already looking at me and when our gazes met she smirked.

I knew getting her off my back wouldn't be so easy.


It was the period after lunch and I was walking ti y locker to get my books but before I could two arms latched unto mine. I looked to either side of me to see Nadine's friends. My face paled and I started to struggle.

"Woah calm the fuck down."the blonde one said.

"Yeah we're not going to hurt you."said the one with jet black hair.

"Why would I believe that?"I asked incredulously as I tried again to pull my arms for their hold.

"Listen. If Nadine can't get Jer away form you, she's going to get you away from Jer. She has something she wants to show and you're coming whether you lie it or not."Blondie said. She clapped her hands and they both let me go. Out of no where some bulky football player came towards me and threw me a cross he shoulder.

"What the pomegranate is going on?" I asked as I banged against hulks back.

"Where only trying to help you."the one with black here told me.

Knowing me efforts were in vain I stopped trying to struggle and sighed. Might as well enjoy the ride.

I heard a squeaky metal door open and I knew that we were going to the back of the school. When we walked out I heard some voices. I was slowly dropped to the ground and forcefully turned around and what I saw made my heart break just a little.


Jer was with some dodgy loom guys smoking weed or whatever drug it was. I watched as he sniffed something up his nose.

"Jer?"I asked on a queit voice but he still heard cos he quickly turned in my direction and his eyes widened.

"Aurora..."he tried to walk towards me but I stepped back. I shoot my head and pushed past Nadine's minions and Hulk.

I can't believe this. He was lying to me the whole time. I should have known he was lying when he told me him taking drugs was just a one time thing. But even though I had some doubt I pushed it to the back of my head because I finally had a friend.

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