22. M.O.M-Mother On a Misson

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"I don't get why your Dad waited until now to try something on you, I came over to your place quite a while ago and you said he did it because of me."

Jer sighed."I had been crashing at a friend's house. I only came home to get more clothes. He came home just as I was leaving."

"And he was drunk?"I asked.

He nodded. "And angry. He smashed his beer bottle against the side of the house and stabbed me with it."

I winced."Oh my God Jer."

"When I crumpled to the ground he actually looked scared and remorseful for a second but then the neighbour came out and he got on his car and drove away."he explained.

"What did your neighbour do?"

"She wanted to call the cops but I told her not to and then asked if she could drop me off at yours instead."

"So that's how you got here."

He nodded.

"There's something else I need to tell you."He said looking down.

I scrunched up my eyebrows."Okay."

He took in a deep breathe. "I don't know if you've noticed that I don't talk about my mom, there's a reason for that."

Honestly I hadn't noticed at all since I hadn't mentioned my mine either.

"She's in jail."he whispered

My eyes widened.

"She's in jail because she loves my Dad."he shook his head and clenched his fist.

I placed my hand on top of his.

"My Dad has been abusive ever since I was small. He abused my mom and when I turned six he abused me too. Despite that my mom loved him, like really loved him. I didn't get why. I still don't.

When I asked she said she loved him for the man he used to be.

In fourth grade I had this teacher, Ms. Morley. She was the first teacher to actually do something when she saw the marks on my body. One day I came to school with a black eye and that was it.

She called the cops on my parents. They were going to arrest my Dad since they noticed my mom also had bruises but my mom took the fall for him. She told them that it was her who had been hitting me so that my Dad wouldn't go to jail.

I was young but that was when I realised my mom loved my Dad way more than she loved me. If she really loved me she wouldn't leave me with that fucking monster. She would let him go to jail for what he did to me. To us."

"I'm so sorry Jer, that's terrible."I said shaking my head.

I wrapped him up in a hug and he buried his face in my hair and sighed.

"So she's still in jail now?"I asked.

He nodded.

"Do you visit?"

He shrugged."There's no point, she doesn't care about me."

"So what are you going to?"

"I'm going to the police station. I need to tell them about my Dad."

"Maybe you should also talk to your mom? Maybe convince her to admit it was your Dad abusing you all along."

He shook his head."She's a lost cause."


"Aurora she's absolutely hopeless, I'm telling you."

I looked down and wrung my fingers.

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