5.Drug dealer?

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For the past week I and Jer had been working none stop on our project, he really wanted to get it done as soon as possible.

He even tried to get me to do it at lunch but I protested immediately.

"Hey, Jer!"I smiled as he sat beside me for lunch. "You're usually here first, what took you so long?"I asked.

"Nothing," he answered quickly. I furrowed my eyebrows at him but he kept his head down, he also smelt kind of funny.

I shook it off and started eating my fries. I could feel someone's gaze on me and I looked up to see some guy staring straight at me as he walked past, his eyes turned to Jer and he glared at him before turning back to me. He looked familiar but I wasn't sure who he was.

He hadn't noticed the guy and was still looking down. "Jer?"I asked.

He looked up a bit and his eyes looked glazed over. "A-are you okay?"I asked.

He slumped in his seat and closed his eyes. "I'm fine," he mumbled. He was kinda freaking me out. His hair was sticking to his hair from sweat, his clothes were slightly dissolved and as I said before he smelt weird.

We didn't talk for the rest of lunch and when the bell rang I got up and turned to him again."You sure you're fine?"I asked.

"Yeah," he mumbled rubbing his temples before getting up, I helped steady him as he swayed a little. He grabbed his bag and walked past me.

I furrowed my brows, worried about him, he never acted like this.

Before my last class, I went to my locker to get some of my books in it. Jer's locker was quite far away but I could see it from here, I watched as he sluggishly put books in his bag before something blocked my view. A chest in particular.

I looked up to see that guy who had been staring at me at lunch. He gave me a smile and brushed his dirty blonde hair out of his face. "Your Aurora Winters right?" he asked.

I nodded and he held out his hand. "Ryan Smith," he said.

I smiled and shook his hand."Millie"s friend!"

He laughed. "Yeah, I just wanted to talk to you," he said turning serious.

"Oh okay,"I said.

He sighed. "I'm only telling you this because I care about Millie and you're her friend. It's about Jeremiah."

"Oh. What about him?"

"He isn't someone you want to hang around with Aurora, he's bad news. You know today at lunch, was he acting weird?" he asked. I nodded.

"That's because he was at the back of the school smoking drugs Aurora."


"He was with a bunch of guys and they were all smoking. One of my friends told me that he deals them, e deals drugs. He also gambles, drinks and does some other terrible things. He isn't the kinda guy you want to hang out with. He did a hit and run on my car one day, I saw him clearly and I bet you he was high or drunk when he did it.There wasn't any real damage to my car so I decided not to tell the cops what he did."

"Jeremiah?"I asked again to be sure.

He nodded."As I said before I care about Millie and I feel obliged to help her friend out so that's why I'm telling you this, you don't have to listen to me, you can still hang out with him but I just wanted you to know to be careful."

"Thank you,"I said quietly. He gave me another small smile and squeezed my shoulder before walking away.

I slumped against my locker. By now everyone was already in class. I couldn't believe what I had heard. Of course, I knew Jeremiah was known as a 'bad boy' but I didn't think he was that bad.

A drug dealer? No, it couldn't be. Jer was a nice quiet guy who loved to read and be by himself not a drug dealing, gambling, alcoholic bad boy right?

But he was acting pretty funny, it's possible it was because he was "high" or whatever it's called. I couldn't believe it. He was everything I was against.

I didn't know what I was going to do, I was meant to go to the library with the guy after school. I didn't know if I should avoid him or confront him.

I walked to class in a bit of a daze.

"Ms.Winters why are you late?"Ms.Elenor asked.

"Sorry I felt a bit sick, I was in the toilet,"I said quietly.

"Oh, maybe you should go home. Do you want to call home or can you make it till the end of the class?" she asked. I was about to tell her I would wait but had an idea. If I went home early then I could avoid going to the library with Jer, or should I say Jeremiah now.

"I think I want to call home."


Millie came over right after her school was over.

"Hey, Ryan told me everything about you and this Jeremiah guy." she said walking in.

I sat on my couch and brought my knees up to my chest.

"I dunno what to do Millie, I can't believe he would do that kind of stuff but it's not like I even know him well enough to say that he doesn't."I sighed.

She rubbed my arm. "It's not fair, is it?"

"No, it's not."I sighed. "I finally had a friend and he just had to end up being a drug dealer or whatever. Wonderful."

I was happy tomorrow would be Saturday so I didn't have to face Jeremiah for at least two days, maybe I'd pretend to be sick on Monday too.

"Rory, whatever you do, just be careful. Okay?" she said using my nickname.

I nodded.


After not going to school on Monday and Tuesday my Dad thought it was time I went back to school.

Which meant I was extra grumpy this morning.

"Hey Honey! Pancakes?" my Dad asked.

I nodded groggily and slumped down in a chair.

"You feeling better?" he asked.


He sighed. "Aurora, you're my daughter, I know you. I know you're not really sick, what are you avoiding? Is it Nadine again?"

I groaned."Dad no, it's nothing. I don't want to talk about it right now."

He didn't bother me after that leaving me to think about what to do when I get to school. What was going to do about Jer?


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