24. Celebration Time

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".....and now I'm turning him in."Jeremiah finished with a big breath.

Everyone stared at Jeremiah in pure shock.

"S-so your Dad stabbed you?"Nadine asked.

Jeremiah nodded.

"And you were a drug dealer?"Mona asked.

He nodded again.

"Jeremiah I'm sorry you had to go through all that abuse all these years, you didn't deserve that. No one does."Ian said shaking his head.

"And I'm sorry you're mom had to take the blame for it. All this time you two could have had some kind of relationship. God knows I wish I could."Ryan mumbled. I rubbed his shoulder feeling the exact same way.

"What do you mean? You told your mom was still around."Jer asked with a raised eyebrow.

Ryan sighed."M-my mom got into a car accident a few years ago. She had just lost her job and her and my Dad weren't in a good place. I guess she felt kinda empty or something. She decided to go to some bar to drink and then tried to drive herself home after drinking non-stop for two hours. She ended up crashing into a stop sign. She's currently in a coma."

"Ryan, I'm so sorry. I didn't- I didn't know."Jer shook his head.

Ryan shrugged. "It's cool man, I know."

Millie wrapped her arms around Ryan and kissed his cheek.

"This sucks." Nadine sighed.

"Life sucks."I mumbled back. She lifted her cup of orange juice in agreement.

"Well thanks for telling us, Jer. That must have been hard to do. You too Ryan."Jimmy smiled.

"No problem."Jer said."It actually feels good to get it off your chest."

"True that."Ryan agreed.

I swallowed wondering if I should tell my friends about my mom.

"Babe, I know what you're thinking. You don't have to if you're not ready. "Jer whispered to me caressing my hand in his.

"I don't think I'll ever be ready."I whispered back.

He shrugged."And that's perfectly fine."

I let out a breathe and smiled.

"Okay y'know what? I need ice cream. I'm going to the store to buy some."Jimmy said standing up.

"Oooh! Cookie dough please!"I said.

"No let's get mint chocolate."Ryan said.

"Uh let's go with cookie dough."Mona said sending Ryan a disgusting look.

Everyone mumbled in agreement.

"Hey! What? Mint chocolate is amazing."

"Oh honey, I'm sorry but....it really isn't. "Millie said patting his head.

"Gets some candy too."Nadine called.

"I'll go with!"Mona said standing up.

"Okay guys I have the perfect idea!"Nadine said after Mona and Jimmy had left.

"What is it?"Millie asked getting excited.

"Okay so Mona's birthday is coming up soon and I was thinking we should throw her a surprise party."

"Yay party!"Millie clapped.

"And we can plan it for after things play out with Jeremiah's father and hopefully if he goes to jail, it can be like a celebration."

The Bad Boy And His PrincessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora