23. Mucca Grassa

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"Jimmy, Il mio amore!"

We looked up to see a chubby lady running towards Jimmy. We all instinctively stepped away as she hurtled towards him.

His eyes widened. "Oh lord let me live though this." he muttered. I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing. He let out an 'oof' as she squeezed him to death literally.

"Tesoro, please. Let go of the boy. You will hurt him. "A man said from behind her.

"Okay, okay. "she said and she let him go with a grin. "How are you?"

"I'm good Zietta."

"That's wonderful Bello, I'm so happy you decided to visit."

"Jimmy, it's so good to see you. "The man said with open arms as his wife, I assumed, stepped aside

"Hey Zio Antonio. "he said hugging him.

"Introduce us to your friends, Jimmy. I'm happy you finally made some. I remember when your only friend was your action figure of the Flash-"

"Zio! Please. "Jimmy said his face turning red.

The man laughed. "Okay, okay. Who is this bella ragazza?"he said smiling at Mona.

"That's Mona. "Jimmy smiled with lovey dovey eyes.

After he stood for 30 seconds just staring at her, his uncle hit his arm."And the rest?"

"Oh um. This is Ryan, That's Jeremiah, then there's Ian, Nadine, Millie and Aurora."he said gesturing to each one of us."And guys this is my uncle and aunt."

"Nice to meet you all! So many beautiful young faces. Come with me." his aunt said.

We followed her and were stared at by most of the people there, they were all pretty old honestly.

"I know this place doesn't seem that fun but we get free food and as much as we want. "he whispered to us.

"It's fine! I love old people! "I smiled.

"Here we are. "She said gesturing to a massive table away from the other guests.

"Thanks Zia."

"No problem Tesoro, someone will be back to take your orders."

I picked up the menu and licked my lips. I loved Italian food.

"Oooh Carbonara!"I said excitedly."What are you getting Jer?"

"Oh I dunno maybe a few slices of pizz-"

"No Jer! You can get pizza anytime, get something you've never had before."

He rolled his eyes."Fine."

"Jimmy!"A girl squealed.

"Vera."he said distastefully.

She hugged his neck and kissed his cheek causing Mona to raise an eyebrow.

Vera giggled."I know you missed me Jimmy."

"What ever you say."he sighed.

"Well are you going to introduce me to your friends?"she asked.

He gave her a look."No."

She giggled again. "Don't mind him, this is just how we interact with each other. We have been friends since like birth. My parents are really close with his aunt and uncle."

"I'm Vera if you didn't already know."

We all stared at her blankly as she gave us expectant looks.

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