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~~~In Fairy Hall~~~

Terra walked over to the canopy, placing a potted plant in the small space.

"Shared space, Terra." Stella reminded the girl as she looked at the room before picking up her purse. "Everyone loved The Secret Garden because it was a secret."

"Actually, that's not quite the message of The Secret Garden." Terra started with a smile. "It's a story about how when things are kept private, their benefits aren't fully appreciated."

Stella gave the girl a look with a tilt of her head, a deep frown etched on her face.

"Ok." Terra got the message and decided to walk off with a small plant.

Stella nodded as the girl walked off, stopping in motion when she walked back to pick up another.

Musa clicked her tongue. "Well, she seems lovely."

Terra placed down one of the plants down on the table and turned with a smile. "She's just having fun."

"I know it's a lot. Shocker. Earth fairy called Terra likes plants. It's a family thing. I've got this cousin called Flora, my mum's Rose, and my dad works in the greenhouse here. That's why I know a load of second years. I grew up around Alfea, so..."

Musa turned at the spilled tea. "Stella's a second year? Why is she in a suite with first years?"

Terra clicked her tongue, noticing the slip up. "Oh yeah! Um..." She turned to look at the mentioned fairy's door. "Uh, I dunno, uh, really."

Musa moved to stoop on the platform that was holding up her bed, staring down Terra. Her eyes flashed a light purple before returning back to its original color. She sat with her legs crossed, ready to listen to some music.

"Also, sorry, I just wouldn't bring it up with her." Terra tried to warn the girl.

Musa was a bit annoyed but smiled for the sake of bonding.

"You know? Um, let's all of us just blanket statement, 'Who cares?'" Terra chuckled before moving to put down the plant.

Musa moved to put on her headphones.

"Do you want a succulent?" Terra piped up with the plant in her hands.

Musa smiled again for the sake of bonding.

"They're really hip, low maintenance, very you." Terra smiled widely. "Sorry. Not that I know you."

"If I take it, will you stop talking?" Musa paused the girl in her tracks.

Terra clicked her tongue and looked down at the ground with a frown.

Seeing her frown, Musa held out her hand. "Terra, I'm just having fun."

Terra passed the girl the plant with a small smile. "Thank you."

Musa got up and placed it on her bedside table, quickly placing her headphones on and turning to the window.

"Actually, this one might be...." Terra took up another plant, pausing when she noticed Musa wasn't looking.

Musa sighed softly, gazing to her side when Terra called her name again before sitting on her bed.

Hearing a knock on the door, Terra turned around.

"Did you say you grew up in Alfea?" Aisha stood at the door.

"I did." Terra confirmed. "Weird childhood, let me tell you. But-"

"I went for a swim in the river, but I don't suppose this place has a pool?" Aisha questioned lightly, not wanting to wait another second.

"Wait. Did you say you've been swimming." Terra wanted to get an answer for her confused brain.

"Mm." Aisha nodded her head. "I go twice a day every day."

"But you just got here." Terra was in disbelief but kept her smile.

"You do know what 'every day' means?" Aisha smiled at the girl amusedly.

Terra chuckled silently before thinking. "Well, the only thing close is the pond where the Specialists train, but nobody swims there, at least not on purpose."

Aisha smiled in thanks and the involuntary joke.

~~~At the Pond~~~

Specialists were training left and right, grunts and the sounds of their wooden weapons meeting each other were heard.

Some specialists got knocked or kicked off into the pond before swimming up to go back at it again.

"Come on, man. There's just something about her." Skye stepped back a bit with his wooden weapon.

"What, you're smitten after one chat?" Riven jabbed at the blond, pointing his own wooden weapon after him.

Skye stared down at the development of a poor tree before striking his head.

Riven blocked the attack and many more before kicking Skye in his stomach.

Skye registered himself from the kick and started sharing some blows with Riven.

Riven pressed down his weapon on Skye's for a pause. "What is it with you and the crazy ones?"

Riven placed some force on his weapon, bringing Skye's over to the side before kicking him in the stomach.

Both men switch sides. Skye groaned and walked it off, Riven laughing at him.

"How do you know she's crazy? You haven't even met her?" Skye inquired, feeling a bit salty from the two kicks.

"She's a ginge. They're all nuts." Riven gave a bit of information. "Amazing shags though."

"That's a bit colorist." James piped in from his spot on the edge of the platform.

"Oh, you speak from experience?" Skye fixed his grip on the weapon. "Didn't realize your hand was a redhead."

Riven huffed and took the first move.

"Well, shIt." James took in a sharp breath.

It didn't take long for Riven to be floored.

Skye tilted his head, looking down at the raven. "You got slow this summer."

"Correction." Riven placed his hands behind his head. "I got high this summer."

"Same." James felt a bit left out of the conversation. "Imma try and find someone to spar with."

Both guys acknowledged his disappearance, so he left.

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