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~~James POV~~

I sat at the front of the assembly with Georgia.

They had found a nanny for the children while we were here, so we had nothing to worry about.

Looking at Stella, I almost rolled my eyes. Bodyguards?

The place was getting crowded as I started to get impatient, spotting Bloom walking away.

The lights changed to different colors, gaining everyone's attention to the stage as Queen Luna looked around.

"There we are." Luna started. "I, uh, always had a love-hate relationship with assemblies when I was at Alfea."

I spot Dowling, the trainer and the gardner walking around the assembly, no doubt looking for the killer.

If only they knew she was gone already.

I stopped paying any mind to the speech, looking across the room for two particular males and spot none.

'They're with their girls. What do you expect?'

I expected that - I really didn't expect any better.

'You want a girlfriend to help you feel better? Find one and show them that you can have a girlfriend too.'

Why do you sound like a demon? Sukuna 2.0 type shit.

'Cause you ain't getting any b$tches. Just do what I tell you.'

I zoned back in, looking at some of the students before paying more attention.

I examined the hall behind me subtly, seeing them take position.

"Conflict is on the horizon."

Here we go.

"We are tracking at least five Burned Ones throughout Solaria." Luna swept her eyes over the crowd. "The threat is serious...and growing. It's time for all of you to pay attention."

She's talking like there's exams coming up.


"I was a bystander." Beatrix defended. "If you really want to be mad at one of us, then consider the douchebag who's been telling everyone you're a changeling."

Skye and Bloom set their gazes on Riven, Beatrix looking at him over her shoulder.

"Not exactly the way I thought you'd screw me today, Bea." Riven fiddled with his pockets.

Skye moved from behind Bloom, stepping more to the front. "Is that true?"

"Yeah. Look, if Saint Skye is about to start lecture time, I'm out." Riven turned to start his exit through the door.

"Skye, it's okay." Bloom tried to reassure him.

"No. It's not." Skye followed after him.

Stepping outside, Skye spot Riven's brooding figure. "Seriously, you're running from me?"

"Fine." Riven turned around. "I stand ready to hear what a shit I am."

"You are. You've always been." Skye stood in front of him. "But ever since -"

"Ever since what exactly?" Riven stepped up. "No. Go on. I can't wait to hear."

"Ok, fine. You've upped your dick game a whole new level since you started shagging Beatrix." Skye ranted.

Riven chuckled lowly. "You have no idea."

"Take something seriously, Riven." Skye shook his head.

"I am, Skye." Riven tensed up, hesitating before speaking. "I like Beatrix. She's the only person in this damn school who likes me as is."

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