15-Burned One+Trouble

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~~James POV~~

I stood beside the table, watching Dane and Terra playing the cup game. I looked down at my phone as it chimed.

Skye: Emergency. Bloom. Burned One. Stone Circle.

'Why the f#ck is he at the Stone Circle?!' I sighed at my thought and made my way out the door, hearing Stella following behind.

I ran like my life depended on it, which it kind of did if I was there with a Burned One.

Meeting the rest of the Fairies on the way, I ran faster than them since some were in dresses.

Reaching the spot and beyond the border, I heard the sound of metal clanging and saw Skue holding off the Burned One before getting hit down with Bloom.

"Close your eyes." Stella held out her hands.

I closed my eyes as I heard a ringing light and the Burned One shrieking.

Opening my eyes, I spot plants growing to hold the creature before Bloom got up and shot fire at it.

"Aisha!" Bloom called for the girl's help.

Aisha shot water at the fire, causing smoke to cover our sight.

After the smoke cleared, the Burned One dropped to the floor, with Skye standing over it in triumph.

Everyone walked closer to it slowly before Musa spoke up.

"Wait. I don't think it's-"

The creature got up, making everyone step back in alarm. Before it could lunge, it's middle lit up brightly before it screeched and fell to the ground.

"No, it wasn't dead."

Everyone turned to see the headmistress.

"It is now." Farah's eyes stopped glowing.

Bloom looked back at the creature, still breathing a bit ragged as her mind came down from the thrill.

"Now that squeezed the alcohol out of my body." I groaned, leaning down to place my hand in my knees.

"Did you...?" Skye pointed at the path.

"Ran all the way here from the party? Yeah." I held up my pointer finger. "Just give me a minute."


Skye walked slowly to the doorway, me behind him a bit winded.

"You're an idiot." Silva got up quick, pointing at Skye. "Both of you."

"I know." Skye replied just as fast.

"I don't." I leaned against the table.

"A stupid."

Silva came face to face with Skye.

"I know."


"I know!"

"Reckless idiot."

"But is it better?" Skye tried to stray from the topic. "Proffessor Harvey?"

Proffessor Harvey just smiled up at them, wiping off his tools.

"Don't smile at him." Silva huffed before getting pulled into a hug.

Pulling from the hug, Silva placed his hand at the back of Skye's neck. "You dad would've been proud of you."

Skye chuckled, pressing his forehead with Silva's as they both laughed.

"Good lad." Silva looked at me. "Expect a visit from Oliver soon."

I threw my head back with a groan. "Why....."

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