Chapter 4

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! TW - Anxiety, Panic Attack!

"I don't know.. just feeling down" Charlie lies in a nervous voice as he looks down at his lap. Of course he knows what's really wrong. Nick knows that Charlie can sometimes be down for no specific reason, and therefore accepts Charlie's answer. He kisses Charlie on the cheek before giving him a big hug. When they break out of the hug, Charlie looks at Nick questioningly.
"I.. I thought you might need a hug.." Nick says nervously. Charlie smiles back big.
"I really did".

After lying in bed for a while and hugging, the two guys walk hand in hand down the stairs and into the living room. Everyone is already sitting there waiting for them. Elle and Tao share a parentage while Isaac sits on the couch with a book in his hand. Nick and Charlie also sit down on the couch. Nick puts his arm around Charlie's waist and gives him a kiss on the forehead. Now Charlie feels better and safe.
"Now then?" Tao asks in a bored voice.
"What should we do?"
"Isn't it time for dinner soon?" Elle asks and looks at Tao, who at the same moment takes his phone out of his pocket. He nods and looks skeptically at the three guys sitting on the sofa opposite him.
"We may have a problem though.." says tao.
"We have no food" he continues. Everyone in the room looks around at each other before Nick answers.
"I can go shopping, do you want to come along?" He says, looking at Tao, who is sitting only a few meters away.
"I'll just get the keys and then we can go" Tao says and goes to his room to get the car keys. Charlie feels his entire stomach twisting inside out due to anxiety. It's been a rough day for him and the last thing he needs is for Nick to go away and leave him. It's just makes him think of later when Nick will be going to uni. He tries to convince himself that it will be fine and that it's only a matter of minutes - Nick will be back.
"Are you okay with me leaving?" Nick asks and looks at Charlie worriedly as they sit next to each other on the couch. Charlie looks down at the floor and nods, before starting up and beginning to walk towards the kitchen. With a bang, the door closes behind him.

Nick is concerned. He walks thoughtfully and meets Tao in the hall, who is ready to go. Nick looks at Elle and Isaac with a worried look and asks them to keep an eye on Charlie. They both nod and then the two guys leave.

Charlie is standing in the kitchen. It still feels like he's in control. But when he hears the front door close, all his feelings and thoughts come at once. In the kitchen window, he sees Tao's car drive away. All he can think about is trying to calm himself, trying to breathing. But it does not work.

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