Chapter 5

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!BIG TW - Self Harm, Blood, Panic Attack!

Charlie is panicking, he doesn't know what to do. He opens all the drawers in the kitchen to find a knife. After the third box, he finds one. He sits down on the floor and curls up into a ball, with the knife in his hand. He puts the knife against his left wrist, it stings and hurts - but it's nice at the same time. It's a relief.

At the same time, the door to the kitchen opens and Elle and Isaac stand in the doorway in shock. There are small red dots on the floor of blood and Charlie sits and looks at them, crying.
"I'm calling Nick, you stay here with Charlie! Make sure he's awake!" Elle says firmly and stressed before she runs and gets the phone in the living room. She dials Nick's number and puts the phone to her ear.
"Hey Elle!" Nick answers cheerfully in the phone.
"Nick, you need to come home, now!"
"whats ha-"
"It's Charlie, he.. it's blood!" Elle half screams into the phone in a stressed panicked voice. Nick realizes right away what has happened and begins to feel the panic rising in himself. But he still tries to be calm for Elle.
"Okay.. uh.." he starts to say before finding the right words.
"Elle, get a towel in the bathroom and cover the bleeding wound, if Charlie doesn't want you to do it, you'll ask him to do it yourself. Of course you're going to take the knife away from him too, no matter how stressed he gets, okay ? I'm on my way back!"
"Okay.. thanks" Elle replies in a low voice before hanging up the phone and running to the bathroom to get a towel.

Back in the kitchen, Elle sees Isaac sitting, quietly talking to Charlie to keep him awake, but Charlie isn't particularly chatty. Elle runs in and sits next to Isaac, who is sitting in front of Charlie.
"Hey Charlie... nick's on his way back... we need to stop the bleeding.. um... can I or do you want to do it yourself?" She asks, looking worriedly at Charlie. He firmly and angrily takes the towel from her and twists it around his wrist before starting to cry and shake even more.
"can I.. we have to take the knife.." Elle says and tries to sound determined. Charlie shakes his head quickly and panicking. He grabs the knife even tighter. The closer Elle get the knife, the more he panics. Elle feels bad for Charlie and doesn't really want to make him more scared and stressed, but she has to do as Nick said. Determined, she rips the knife from his hand. She gives the bloody knife to Isaac, who walks away, leaving it in the bathroom instead. Blood stains are left all over the floor. Charlie is scared. He can't breathe. Hyperventilate. Shaking. Has pain. Crying.
"Charlie.. breathe. We needed to take it for your own good" Elle says in a calm voice but with an undertone of stress. But Charlie doesn't listen.

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