Chapter 13

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!TW - Body Dysmorphia/Image, Anxiety, Panic Attack, Mention of Scars!

Charlie looks at Nick. Nick has tears in his eyes.
"Please Charlie.." he whispers. Charlie looks away from Nick, into nothingness, and shakes his head angrily. He feels uncomfortable and stressed by the thought of having to take his hoodie off.
"Charlie.. it's for your own good. If you take off the hoodie, the rest of us will protect you, no one will see. If you do, and drink a little, we can then go home" Elle says and looks at Charlie. Charlie looks at her and then back at Nick. He begins to shake slightly and tears form in his eyes.
"Nick.. I.. I'm.. scared" Charlie says in a shaky and scared voice.
"I know, I know. But like Elle says, we're here and we can go home after. Please Charlie..". There is silence for a moment, but despite the awkward feeling, Charlie nods that it is okay. Nick looks at Charlie and tears start to run down his cheeks which Nick wipes away.
"Can you sit up, or do you want to still lay down?" Elle asks. Charlie only has his eyes on Nick, because knowing that Nick is there makes him less stressed. It also means that he can shut out everything and everyone else a little better.
"S..sit..sit" Charlie replies in a whisper.

With the help of Tao and Isaac, Charlie manages to sit up. Tao gives him the water bottle again and Charlie takes a few more sips. He continues to only look at Nick, who is crouched down in front of him.
"Are you ready?" Nick asks in a calm voice. Charlie hesitates a bit before nodding weakly.
"Can.. can.." he quickly adds, but can't get out what he wants to say. Nick reminds him to take deep breaths and to take his time.
"can you be.. the.. only one who.. removes it?" Charlie asks in his shaky and worried voice. Nick smiles slightly and nods, and then grabs the bottom of Charlie's hoodie. Charlie puts his hands in the air and Nick pulls the hoodie over his head.
"I'm so proud of you" Nick whispers to Charlie as he folds the hoodie in his lap. He gives the hoodie to Elle in order to only have focus on Charlie.
"How do you feel?" Nick asks.
"Can.. we.. we go home..?" Charlie asks back.

With Nick on his right, Tao on his left, Elle in front and Isaac behind, the gang are heading to the car to go home. Charlie is not yet completely stable, but still manages to walk on his own with the help and a little support from Nick. Charlie holds his hands over his arms to hide his bandages and scars as best as possible, and he only looks down at the ground all the way to the car - he doesn't want to see other people's eyes. Nick opens the door and Charlie jumps into the middle of the back seat, with Isaac on one side and Nick on the other - the same seats they had in the car the first day they were going to the cabin. Before Tao can start the car, Charlie says,
"I'm sorry, I always ruin everything..." with a whisper. Everyone in the car turns to look at him.

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