Chapter 6

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!TW - Blood, Anxiety / Panic Attack!

Charlie doesn't know what to do. His whole body begins to shake more and more and the tears flow. Both Elle and Isaac sit in front of him and try to calm him down. But nothing works.
"Charlie.. breathe!" Elle says firmly, but Charlie doesn't listen. He can't control himself right now. He puts his face in his hands and cries. Scream. Hyperventilates.

The front door opens. Nick comes in and sees the blood stains on the floor from the knife that Isaac took to the bathroom. He doesn't even take off his shoes, only runs straight to the kitchen. Charlie. His lovely Charlie. Why? Nick switches places with Elle and Isaac, they leave the kitchen and close the door behind them - leaving Nick and Charlie together. Alone.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm here" Nick says calmly. He really knows how to calm Charlie down in situations like this and it makes Charlie feel safe. Nick wants to grab the towel wrapped around Charlie's arm, but Charlie doesn't want to.
"No, don't touch me!" He yells, flinching away from Nick. Charlie's eyes are glazed, his breathing is rapid and heavy, his whole body is shaking in fear.
"I won't hurt you" Nick says and gently takes Charlie's hand.
"Listen to me. You're safe. I'm here now. I'm not going to let anything or anyone hurt you". Nick expects Charlie to pull his hand back in panic again, but he doesn't. Instead, Charlie calms down a bit and several tears fall from his eyes.
"it's okay" Nick says and pulls Charlie into a hug, which he doesn't resist.
"it's okay, i'm here! Just remember to breathe"

After a while, Nick helps Charlie to clean the wounds and he puts on a bandage. It doesn't take long for the white bandage to turn red from the blood trying to seep through. They also clean up that blood on the kitchen floor.
"How do you feel, really?" Nick asks and looking deep into Charlie's eyes.
"Dizzy... and my arm hurts a little. But I'm fine!" He answers, trying to sound convincing. However, Nick knows that Charlie is anything but 'fine'. With Nick's help, the two guys go up to their room and get into bed together. Charlie has his head in Nick's lap and Nick is playing with Charlie's curls. He loves it when Nick does it, and it's also a way for him to calm down.
"What happened today?" Nick suddenly asks. He has a thoughtful but worried tone in his voice.
"Do we really have to talk about-"
"Charlie.." Nick interrupts anxiously. Charlie takes a deep breath before talking.
"I just.. just.. I've been so stressed.. about you leaving for uni after the summer..". Charlie sobs with tears streaming down his cheeks.
"So now when you were going to leave me to go to the shop.. i just.. lost it" he continues. Crying even more.

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