Chapter 20

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!TW - Anxiety, Panic Attack, Bad Thoughts, Mention of Self Harm and Eating Disorder!

When the movie is almost over, Nick notices that Charlie's body language changes - Charlie starts to shake and feel uncomfortable. Nick looks at Charlie who is sitting, again, anxiously fiddling with a pillow. With a thoughtful feeling in his body, Nick leans closer to Charlie and whispers in his ear.
"Is everything okay?". Charlie quickly shakes his head, making Nick even more thoughtful and worried. But when Charlie's breathing starts to become quicker and he puts his hand on his chest, Nick realizes that he really isn't okay.
"Hey.. breathe. Shall we go out for a bit?" Whispering Nick to Charlie. Charlie nods and they both stand up. The others give Nick a look that asks if everything is okay, and Nick nods back before the two guys walk out onto the terrace.

Charlie is sitting on the hard wood of the terrace, with his back to the house wall. Nick crouches down in front of him, grabs his hands.
"Breathe Charlie! Do you want to tell me what it is that feels hard?" Nick asks. Charlie feels the tears starting to push forward.
"It.. it's a lot.. just.. in.. in my head" Charlie sobs as small tears run down his cheeks.
"do you mean it's thoughts?" Asks nick and Charlie nods. Nick asks Charlie to tell him what his thoughts say, but Charlie doesn't want to tell Nick. Charlie doesn't want Nick to leave him, stop loving him or hate him. He paused for a moment to answer before taking a deep breath.
"That.. that.. the pizza..." Charlie answers softly in a shaky voice. He has his eyes down on the ground so he can't see Nick's expression. Before Nick can say anything, Charlie starts shaking even more.
"Are you okay? What's going on?" Nick asks with a stressed undertone in his voice. Charlie shakes his head, eyes still on the ground.
"Nick.. i.. i.." Charlie says, but all the anxiety and crying stops him from being able to finish the sentence. Also worrying about how Nick will react means that Charlie doesn't know if he should say what he just thought of.
"take a breath Charlie, take your time telling me. I'm not going anywhere" says Nick, squeezing Charlie's hands a little tighter.
"I... I kind of... have the urge.."
Nick freezes, he doesn't quite know what to do - but he quickly realizes that at least he has to be there for Charlie now.
"Okay, we'll get through this together Charlie. Remember to breathe. Is there anything you know I can do right now to help?" Asks Nick, stressed but trying to stay calm. Charlie doesn't answer. He just closes his eyes and focuses on his breathing, along with Nick. Having Nick there makes Charlie feel safe - he feels safe from himself and what he is capable of doing right now.

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