Chapter 19

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!TW - Anxiety, Eating Disorder, Bad Thoughts!

The doorbell to the front door rings and Tao opens the door, outside stands a man with several pizza boxes in his hands. Tao happily receives them and thanks, before closing the door and shouting at everyone that the pizza is there. Elle and Isaac enter through the door while Nick and Charlie go down the stairs. The gang has decided to eat in the living room tonight and watch a movie in the meantime, it is their last night at the cabin after all.

Pillows and blankets are scattered on the floor in front of the big TV. In the middle there are five different pizzas, already divided, so you can just take from the pizza you feel like.
"What movie are we going to see then?" Tao asks while he's on his way into Netflix on the TV.
"Call me by your name is quite good" replies Elle and points to the cover. They all take a piece of pizza and start watching the movie, except for Charlie. He sits with his eyes down, fingers anxiously playing with the pillow he has in his arms. Nick notices Charlie's body language and grabs his hand.
"What's wrong?" He whispers softly in Charlie's ear. Charlie doesn't move his eyes an inch.
"Ehm.. just need to breathe a little.. before I eat..." Charlie answers back in a low, shaky voice. Nick puts his arm around Charlie and hugs him. Charlie hugs Nick back.
"Do you want to go out or does it feel okay in here?" He asks after a moment of silence. Charlie's blue eyes look up at Nick, then at the pizza lying on the floor in the middle of the semicircle the people are creating, then back up at Nick.
"I.. I think I.. am okay" he answers a little uncertainly. Nick nods back in response before his gaze returns to the movie. So does Charlie.

After a few minutes, Charlie turns his gaze up to Nick again.
"Nick..?" Whispers Charlie, not to disturb the movie. Nick looks at him with a look that asks what he wants.
"Can.. can I.. have a slice of pizza..?" Charlie asks. Nick's eyes widen and he asks Charlie an extra time before if he's really sure, which Charlie says he is. Nick asks Elle, who is sitting near the pizza, to send a slice. Nick receives it with only his right hand, as he still has a lot of pain in his left one. Charlie receives the piece of pizza and looks at it. He reminds himself to breathe not to become as anxious. Nick looks at Charlie who just sits and looks at the pizza.
"Take your time" he whispers. Charlie takes a deep breath before putting the tip of the pizza into his mouth. He bites off a small piece, chews and swallows. He does this until half the piece is eaten. He puts the remaining piece down with shaky hands on the blanket in front of him.
"Are you okay?" Nick asks and kisses Charlie on the cheek. Charlie nods.
"Yeah.. I.. I can't eat anymore now.. it-.. it.. got a bit much.. in my head" he says with anxiety in his voice. Nick grabs Charlie's shaking hand and hugs him.

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