Chapter 11

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!TW - Bad Body Image, Anxiety, Panic Attack!

People with bags in their hands walk around inside the mall, which is a 20-minute drive from Tao's house. There are all types of people - children, old people, parents, teenagers etc.
"Okay, so where do we start?" Elle asks. The others look around to see what shops are there.
"I want to go to the bookstore!" Isaac says a little embarrassed, because everyone already knew he wanted to go there. Elle happily nods at him.
"I can come with you!" She says. She looks at the others with a look that asks 'anyone else coming?' and the others shake their heads.
"Are you okay Charlie?" Tao asks, who notices that Charlie has been very quiet and is now just standing with his head down, looking at the floor. Nick looks towards Charlie and grabs his hand.
"Yeah, just.. I don't know" he says with his eyes still on the floor.
"Charlie, you can tell us..." Nick says, squeezing Charlie's hand. But he remains silent. Tao looks at Nick with a thoughtful look - thinking, what could possibly be wrong?
"Tao... can you go buy a water bottle?" Nick asks. Tao immediately turns around and starts walking towards the grocery store. Nick crouches down in front of Charlie and meets his gaze.
"what's wrong?"
"I.. I don't.. I don't know" Charlie replies with watery eyes. Anxious, he's apologising.
"It's okay, i'm here. Just remember to breathe" Nick says getting up from the floor and grabbing both of charlie's hands. He feels how Charlie is warm and sweaty.
"Are you warm? Or just sweaty from all the stress?" Nick asks. Charlie looks up and checks Nick's worried face. He looks around the mall before answering.
"bo.. both.."

Nick manages to convince Charlie to go out on a bench in the shade. Charlie's whole body is shaking and he is very stressed, Nick knows that - but about what? Nick squats in front of Charlie. Charlie puts his hand over the chest. Stressed, he starts moving it back and forth, as if it feels like something is wrong. It feels like he can't breathe properly. Nick grabs Charlie's hands and tells him to just breathe, which Charlie tries to do.
"Charlie.. I think you.. I think we have to take your hoodie off, you're really warm". Nick barely has time to finish the sentence before Charlie pulls his hands away from Nick's.
"NO, pl... please.. i.. don't..". His breathing becomes fast and heavy again, and he begins to shake even more.
"Nick.. please.."

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