Chapter 9

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!TW - Anxiety, Mention of Self Harm and Medication!

The next morning, Nick wakes up. It is early and the summer sun is already awake. So is Charlie. He sits up in bed and looks out at nothing, with a pillow in his lap. Noticing that Nick is awake, he runs his fingers through Nicks hair and says good morning.
"How long have you been awake?" Nick asks thoughtfully as Charlie is usually not a morning person.
"Honestly... more or less all night" Charlie replies lowly and starts fiddling anxiously with the pillow he has in his lap.
"Please don't be mad, I'm sorry" he adds quickly. Nick sits up next to Charlie and puts an arm around him, and Charlie rests his head on nicks shoulder.
"It's okay, why didn't you wake me up?" Nick asks calmly, making sure he's not making Charlie uncomfortable or more stressed. Charlie is still looking down at the pillow.
"I didn't want to disturb you, you needed your sleep after yesterday".
"Any specific reason why you didn't sleep?" Nick continues, in the same calm tone. Charlie lifts his head from Nick's shoulder and starts fiddling with the pillow again.
"I.. it's..." he begins with a shaky and scared voice. He reminds himself and takes a deep breath before trying again.
"I've had pain.. in my arm.. like.. the wounds".
"Charlie.. have you scratched on them?" Nick asking with a now more serious tone. Charlie shakes his head quickly. He looks up at Nick and meets his eyes.
"I haven't, please believe me. I promise" he says stressed with tears in his throat.
"Shhh, I believe you. How about we go wrap the arm and you can get some medicine for the pain down in the kitchen?" Nick asks and hugs Charlie, who has started to cry a little. Charlie nods into Nick's chest in response.

In the bathroom, Nick finds some anti wipes to clean Charlie's wounds with. Nick unwraps the bandage and sees all of Charlie's wounds. It feels like a knife in the heart. At the bottom there are many healed wounds, but on top there have been 5 new, fresh ones. Nick looks up at Charlie who is just looking down at the floor, silent. Charlie feels a little shaky by the fact that Nick sees everything, but at the same time, Nick just wants to help. He knows that. Nick cleans the wounds and then tosses three red tissues in the trash before taking the bandage and wrapping it around Charlie's arm.
"Im sorry..." Charlie murmurs quietly, still looking at the floor.
"It's okay, I'm here for you char!"  Nick says back before giving Charlie a kiss. He tries to make Charlie more comfortable and make sure he doesn't have to feel any guilt or worry.
"come, we'll get some medicine in the kitchen for you" Nick says while taking Charlie's hand and walking him towards the kitchen.

Nick enters the kitchen and opens the first cabinet on the right. Meanwhile, Charlie stands in the doorway, not daring to take a step further into the kitchen. He starts shaking a little.
"Nick.. I.. that...". His breathing starts to be heavy and Nick quickly runs over to him, with medicine in his hand.
"It's a little.. overwhelming here.. in the kitchen.."
"Okay, I understand! We can go to the back instead and sit in the morning sun, get some fresh air?" Charlie nods and they leave the kitchen as quickly as they came.

A trip to the forestOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora